4 9 0 D O C . 3 2 6 S C I E N C E A N D D I C T A T O R S H I P 3 2 6 . S c i e n c e a n d D i c t a t o r s h i p “Wissenschaft und Diktatur” [Einstein 1930a] D ated 28 November 1928[1] Published 1930 In: Forst de Battaglia 1930, p. 180. ALBERT EIN STEIN Wissenscha und Diktatur [2] Die Diktatur bringt den Maulkorb und dieser die Stumpfheit. Wissenschaft kann nur gedeihen in einer Atmosphäre des freien Wortes. PD. Published in Forst de Battaglia 1930, p. 180. The TD version of this document [46 218] is ap- pended to the bottom of Abs. 761. [1] Dated by the typed document version of this document. [2] In his foreword, Otto Forst de Battaglia stated that “[t]he problem of dictatorship is the predom- inant one of our political present age” (“Das Problem der Diktatur ist das beherrschende unserer politischen Gegenwart”). The volume includes contributions from “the most different political par- ties, confessions, nations” (“Aus den verschiedensten politischen Parteien, Konfessionen, Nationen” see Forst de Battaglia 1930, p. [7]). Other prominent contributors included Paul Löbe, Émile Vandervelde, André Maurois, Anatole de Monzie, and Forst de Battaglia.
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4 9 0 D O C . 3 2 6 S C I E N C E A N D D I C T A T O R S H I P 3 2 6 . S c i e n c e a n d D i c t a t o r s h i p “Wissenschaft und Diktatur” [Einstein 1930a] D ated 28 November 1928[1] Published 1930 In: Forst de Battaglia 1930, p. 180. ALBERT EIN STEIN Wissenscha und Diktatur [2] Die Diktatur bringt den Maulkorb und dieser die Stumpfheit. Wissenschaft kann nur gedeihen in einer Atmosphäre des freien Wortes. PD. Published in Forst de Battaglia 1930, p. 180. The TD version of this document [46 218] is ap- pended to the bottom of Abs. 761. [1] Dated by the typed document version of this document. [2] In his foreword, Otto Forst de Battaglia stated that “[t]he problem of dictatorship is the predom- inant one of our political present age” (“Das Problem der Diktatur ist das beherrschende unserer politischen Gegenwart”). The volume includes contributions from “the most different political par- ties, confessions, nations” (“Aus den verschiedensten politischen Parteien, Konfessionen, Nationen” see Forst de Battaglia 1930, p. [7]). Other prominent contributors included Paul Löbe, Émile Vandervelde, André Maurois, Anatole de Monzie, and Forst de Battaglia.

