3 1 4 D O C U M E N T S 3 2 6 – 3 2 8 N O V E M B E R – D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 8 326. “Science and Dictatorship” [Einstein 1930a] Dated 28 November 1928[1] Published 1930 In: Forst de Battaglia 1930, p. 180.[2] Dictatorship provides the muzzle, from which comes apathy. Science can flour- ish only in an atmosphere of free speech. 327. Verse for Rudolf Goldschmidt [Berlin, before 30 November] 1928[1] A bit of techno here and there Amuses even me to dare To ask the brazen question whether We two can lay an egg together.[2] Best wishes, A. Einstein 1928 Translators’ note: Translation from József Illy, The Practical Einstein (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hop- kins University Press, 2012), p. 124. 328. From Heinrich Mandel[1] Leningrad, 4 December 1928 Dear Professor, During the time I have been away from Berlin, it has often occurred to me that I miss your words and your advice.[2] After all of the time that you have spent in my interest, it seemed importunate to ask you to continue our conversations by letter. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again most sincerely for the personal discussions that you shared with me, and whose powerful and persistent impression will continue to show me the right paths to follow in my research.