C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 8 8 3 7 361. From Max Bergmann Wadewitz, 2 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 288, insists that he has found the cause of the rotation of planets and Earth. AE has not thoroughly read his essay. Inquires about the initial impetus that set them in motion. ALS. [45 582]. 362. From Berliner Friedensbewegung (Hans-Georg von Beerfelde) Pichelsdorf, 2 January 1928 Requests a donation for a pacifist event to be organized in Berlin in April. ALS. [45 507]. 363. From Europäische Revue (Thomas Greenwood) Vienna, 2 January 1928 On behalf of its editor, Prince K. A. Rohan, requests permission to reproduce in an English newspaper AE’s essay on Newton, Einstein 1927m (Vol. 15, Doc. 506). TLS. [46 141]. 364. From Konzert-Direktion Arthur Bernstein Hanover, 2 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 353, confirms that J. Lehmann has contacted them. But requests an an- swer to the second paragraph of Abs. 314, which asked AE to give a lecture at the inau- guration of the new planetarium. TKS. [47 391]. 365. From J. Bocquet Paris, 3 January 1928 Friends and colleagues of H. Torrès intend to publish his plea in defense of S. Schwartz- bard of October 1927. Requests a foreword by AE. ALS. [48 602]. 366. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 3 January 1928 Reminds that the executive committee of the IIIC will next meet on 30 January 1928 at 10 A.M. in Paris and encloses the agenda. TLS. [34 975]. 367. To Konzert-Direktion Arthur Bernstein Berlin, 4 January 1928 Is unable to give the lecture asked for in Abs. 364. TLC. [47 392]. 368. To Kultusministerium Berlin, 4 January 1928 Regarding the meeting of the Steering Commission of Intellectual Workers in Brussels 19–20 December, reiterates points made in Abs. 345 and Abs. 355. The plan to comple- ment the committee by representatives of internationally recognized organizations failed because international workers’ organizations exist in name but not de facto. Therefore, representatives of national organizations were also envisaged. Of the repre- sentatives—seven in all—one was assigned to Germany. It falls to three German organizations, which represent the interests of German intellectual workers in general, to recommend a representative for the committee. In a session of the Reichsarbeits- ministerium it was agreed that W. von Moellendorff, the director of the German Mate- rials Testing Office, would be an appropriate representative. If the three organizations do not arrive at a unanimous recommendation, AE will recommend Moellendorf to the ministry. TLC. [47 323]. 369. From Alex Baerwald Haifa, 4 January 1928 Complains about financial difficulties at the Technion in Haifa. Is very satisfied with the knowledge of their students who, owing to a close relationship with professors, are at least on the level of those at German technical universities. They participate in city plan- ning. The Polytechnic lacks adequate financing. An amount of $50,000 from the United
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