8 3 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 8 States or Germany would help. Invites AE to join the board of trustees because his name would help. Would like to play Beethoven trio with AE as they had done once in May. ALS. [45 459]. 370. From Slava Zaycoff Sofia, 4 January 1928 Assures AE that her son will take his examinations in Bulgaria and requests AE’s con- tinued support. TLS. [24 191]. 371. From Frank Allen Winnipeg, 5 January 1928 In preparation of a popular lecture on relativity at the University of Manitoba, in which he will present it as the third of the great world systems, asks whether relativity does not supersede gravitation as a force, by attributing to matter the power not of attracting mat- ter, but of modifying its enveloping space. TLS. [25 001]. 372. From Rote Hilfe Berlin, 5 January 1928 Requests that AE, among others, cosign an appeal protesting the military’s violent repri- sals and purges against workers and peasants following the Canton (Guangzhou) com- mune uprising in China in December 1927. The Rote Hilfe prefers that its name not appear on the appeal. TLS. [48 168]. 373. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, ca. 5 January 1928] Regrets not having taken Ilse Kayser-Einstein to the Engadin. Suffers from fever and overwork. Zurich University president of the board A. Rohn is not supporting the expansion of experimental physics, which is angering P. Debye. M. Besso is in stable condition. ALS. [40 067]. 374. From Joseph Aufseesser Nuremberg, 6 January 1928 As member of the board of the local community, has composed an article on AE’s par- ticipation in a musical soirée at the Kaiserhof in behalf of elder care. TLS. [45 390]. 375. From Hans Ullmann Berlin, 6 January 1928 Requests an occasional article by AE for the journal Die Medizinische Welt. TLS. [47 606]. 376. To Max Bergmann Berlin, 7 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 361, explains that the smoke rises into the air above the smokestack be- cause of its lower density. Does not intend to answer any further correspondence on this topic. TLC. [45 583]. 377. To J. Bocquet Berlin, 7 January 1928 Is happy to express his appreciation for the meritorious and brave H. Torrès and encloses the desired foreword (Doc. 126). TLC. [48 603]. 378. From Thomas Barclay [Paris,] 7 January 1928 Invites AE and his wife to the monthly “Déjeuner d’Amis de la Paix” when he next visits Paris. TLS. [45 465]. 379. From Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift [??,] 7 January 1928 Encloses the manuscript for an article submitted by L. Zehnder, “Gibt es Kräfte ohne Substanz?” and requests AE’s opinion. TLS. [46 105]. 380. From Karl Jerman Berlin, 7 January 1928 In his arts school wishes to instruct students about the most abject social attitudes, in- cluding executions forms of social prejudice, such as exploitation (colonization), exe- cutions, hatred of Jews, blacks, other nations slave trade cruelty to animals. Requests that AE send him some brief statements. TLS. [47 085]. Encloses seven quotations on anti-Semitism, among them examples from Th. Mommsen and L. Tolstoy. TD. [47 087]. Stenographic ADft of reply on verso. AD. [47 086].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

8 3 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 8 States or Germany would help. Invites AE to join the board of trustees because his name would help. Would like to play Beethoven trio with AE as they had done once in May. ALS. [45 459]. 370. From Slava Zaycoff Sofia, 4 January 1928 Assures AE that her son will take his examinations in Bulgaria and requests AE’s con- tinued support. TLS. [24 191]. 371. From Frank Allen Winnipeg, 5 January 1928 In preparation of a popular lecture on relativity at the University of Manitoba, in which he will present it as the third of the great world systems, asks whether relativity does not supersede gravitation as a force, by attributing to matter the power not of attracting mat- ter, but of modifying its enveloping space. TLS. [25 001]. 372. From Rote Hilfe Berlin, 5 January 1928 Requests that AE, among others, cosign an appeal protesting the military’s violent repri- sals and purges against workers and peasants following the Canton (Guangzhou) com- mune uprising in China in December 1927. The Rote Hilfe prefers that its name not appear on the appeal. TLS. [48 168]. 373. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, ca. 5 January 1928] Regrets not having taken Ilse Kayser-Einstein to the Engadin. Suffers from fever and overwork. Zurich University president of the board A. Rohn is not supporting the expansion of experimental physics, which is angering P. Debye. M. Besso is in stable condition. ALS. [40 067]. 374. From Joseph Aufseesser Nuremberg, 6 January 1928 As member of the board of the local community, has composed an article on AE’s par- ticipation in a musical soirée at the Kaiserhof in behalf of elder care. TLS. [45 390]. 375. From Hans Ullmann Berlin, 6 January 1928 Requests an occasional article by AE for the journal Die Medizinische Welt. TLS. [47 606]. 376. To Max Bergmann Berlin, 7 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 361, explains that the smoke rises into the air above the smokestack be- cause of its lower density. Does not intend to answer any further correspondence on this topic. TLC. [45 583]. 377. To J. Bocquet Berlin, 7 January 1928 Is happy to express his appreciation for the meritorious and brave H. Torrès and encloses the desired foreword (Doc. 126). TLC. [48 603]. 378. From Thomas Barclay [Paris,] 7 January 1928 Invites AE and his wife to the monthly “Déjeuner d’Amis de la Paix” when he next visits Paris. TLS. [45 465]. 379. From Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift [??,] 7 January 1928 Encloses the manuscript for an article submitted by L. Zehnder, “Gibt es Kräfte ohne Substanz?” and requests AE’s opinion. TLS. [46 105]. 380. From Karl Jerman Berlin, 7 January 1928 In his arts school wishes to instruct students about the most abject social attitudes, in- cluding executions forms of social prejudice, such as exploitation (colonization), exe- cutions, hatred of Jews, blacks, other nations slave trade cruelty to animals. Requests that AE send him some brief statements. TLS. [47 085]. Encloses seven quotations on anti-Semitism, among them examples from Th. Mommsen and L. Tolstoy. TD. [47 087]. Stenographic ADft of reply on verso. AD. [47 086].

