C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 3 5 339. Refrigerating Machine in Which the Pumping of Liquid Is Effected by Intermittently Increasing the Vapor Pressure [Paris,] 27 December 1927 AE and L. Szilard apply for a French patent. Patents for the same invention were not granted in Germany and Great Britain. Brevet d’Invention 647.838. PD. [97 107]. 340. From Dr. [?] Braun Berlin, 27 December 1927 The dentist requests a telephone conversation on a personal matter. “Ja” is entered in an- other hand at the bottom of the document. ALS. [45 657]. 341. Contract between Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard, and Citogel G.m.b.H. Second version Charlottenburg, 28 December 1927 The contract refers to a complex of inventions both by AE and L. Szilard (the German application S80788, granted as DE527080, and an Austrian application, granted as AT130721) and by other inventors (DE441752 and its applications in foreign countries), consisting of processes and devices in which the cooling agent is evaporated and dis- solved in water, with or without the possibility of recapturing the agent from the water solution. TD. [35 577]. 342. To Franz Joseph Engel [Berlin,] 28 December 1927 In reply to Abs. 327, the secretary replies that AE regrets being unable to comply with the request. TLC. [15 031]. AE adds that, after further deliberation, he finds that in places he does not agree with the author, but requests that this opinion be withheld from R. Lämmel. TLS. [15 031.1]. 343. From Konzert-Direktion Arthur Bernstein Hanover, 28 December 1927 Reminds of Abs. 314 and requests a reply. TKS. [47 388]. 344. From Joseph Offenbacher Frankfurt a. M., 29 December 1927 In his capacity as administrator of the local 700-student Israel Volksschule, requests AE’s participation at a benefit concert. TLS. [47 765]. 345. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 29 December 1927 Encloses the final version of the resolution taken in Brussels. Discusses details of nom- inating German representatives. Also encloses copy of AE’s interview published in the Observer. ALS. [34 970]. 346. Elsa Einstein to Heinrich Zangger Berlin, 30 December 1927 Ilse Kayser-Einstein and her husband will travel on 5 January to Celerina to the clinic of Dr. D. Bezzola. Hopes that Zangger will accept an appointment in Berlin. Reports that since his wedding five months earlier, Hans Albert Einstein has declined physically. She blames the wife. Would like Hans Albert to visit them in Berlin without her. ALSX. [89 541]. 347. From Otto Dallmeyer Düsseldorf, 30 December 1927 Requests an approving evaluation of his essay see Abs. 335. ALS. [46 002]. 348. From Otto Dallmeyer Düsseldorf, 30 December 1927 As a follow-up to Abs. 347, urges AE to accept the deep truths contained in his essay. He can provide explanations to matters that may seem enigmatic. ALS. [46 003]. 349. From Willem J. M. van Eysinga Leyden, 30 December 1927 Lorentz considers his achievements in furthering international cooperation not worthy of mention in Grotius’s yearbook (see Abs. 292). Requests AE’s help in convincing Lorentz otherwise. TLS. [16 625].
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