8 9 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 936. From Vieweg & Sohn Braunschweig, 5 March 1929 On R. Weltsch’s instructions, the press will publish Bergmann 1929 (see Abs. 791). Re- quests a recommendation that can be used in advertising. TLS. [45 541]. 937. From Arbeiter-Kinderheim Barkenhoff Worpswede, 6 March 1929 Signed by twenty-five children between the ages of seven and fourteen, inform of their happiness to have good food, baths, walks in the fresh air, sledding. Thank for AE’s intervention in 1927 to prevent the closing of the home, and send their proletarian greetings. ALS. [30 375]. 938. From Blackie & Son, Ltd. Glasgow, 6 March 1929 Proposes to publish the English translation of Docs. 365 and 368 in and edition of 1,000 copies. TLS. [45 607]. 939. From Erhard Branger Davos, 6 March 1929 Mrs. Wulfiuss and daughter have received the positions for which AE interceded last August. Remembers AE’s lively participation in the courses last year. Complains of fi- nancial difficulties in starting next year’s courses in humanities. ALS. [45 655]. 940. From Eduard Einstein Zurich, 6 March 1929 Has just returned from skating on the Zürichsee. Thanks AE for the parcels and letters sent to Hermann Dukas. Has read a corny article about AE in Berliner Bilderzeitung. Humorous comments on choice of profession. Sends birthday wishes. ALS. [144 508]. 941. From Arthur Ruppin Jerusalem, 6 March 1929 Congratulates AE on fiftieth birthday. Even though he does not understand AE’s math- ematics, he appreciates his naturalness, simplicity, humanity, and his care for the Jewish people. Remembers AE’s visit with them. ALS. [30 446]. 942. From Welt am Morgen Berlin, 6 March 1929 Announces the launch of a new leftist newspaper, invites AE to be an occasional con- tributor, and asks for permission to publish his portrait in the first issue. TLS. [48 740]. 943. From Berthold Widmann Berlin, 6 March 1929 Reply to AE’s letter of 2 March 1929 (nonextant). Hopefully, Schücking’s delayed reply will be positive. Then a denial by the German side would be used by the Belgians for propaganda against Germans. TLS. [34 583]. 944. From Eduard Einstein [Zurich, after 6 March 1929?] In Abs. 940, Eduard Einstein wrote that he intended to send a “moralistic” letter. The task of morality is to strengthen and sustain the life-promoting instincts. Criticizes AE for allegedly embracing a morality that is meant to reduce displeasure and a duty to mold and improve life. TrLf. A transcription in Mileva’s hand. [83 487]. 945. To Willi Münzenberg [Berlin,] 7 March 1929 In reply to Abs. 915, is ready to write to H. G. Wells in case the League is not already known to him. Authorizes Münzenberg to refer to him whenever he approaches persons interested in cooperation. TLC. [47 457]. 946. To Artur Wreschner Berlin, 7 March 1929 Is happy to lear n that the Swiss Jews are also participating in equipping the Hebrew University. These institutes will be the pride of the Jewish people. Bergmann is an ex- emplary director of the university library. TLS. [91 464]. 947. To Rudolf Goldschmidt [Berlin,] 8 March 1929 Is satisfied with the formulation of applications mentioned in Abs. 922. His share in their development was only 33%, and this should also be his share from their practical appli- cations. Awaits the test with the magnetized steel wire. TLC. [35 502].