8 8 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 9 913. From Alice Vanderbilt Morris New York, 21 February 1929 Mentions their meeting in 1925 in Geneva and discussing the idea of an international auxiliary language. Requests recommending a physicist who has not yet received proper recognition for an award from the Research Corporation of New York. TLS. [46 679]. 914. To Berliner Handelsgesellschaft Berlin, 23 February 1929 Asks the bank to send 100 M to Siegfried Jacoby from the Physics Fund. TLC. [47 072]. 915. From Willi Münzenberg Berlin, 23 February 1929 Regrets that AE cannot participate in the congress of the League against Imperialism in July because of his heart problems. Thanks for the tip to invite G. Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, and Bertrand Russell. Requests recommendations of persons in England close to AE. TLS. [47 456]. 916. From Leo Kohn [London,] 25 February 1929 Requests AE’s decision on whether he intends his name not to be mentioned in the year- book of the Hebrew University, or to leave it there until the BOGHU accepts his resig- nation from its ranks and from the academic council. ALS. [37 013]. 917. From Paul Oppenheim Berlin, 25 February 1929 Finds Elieser R. Cohen’s paper on the geology of the Balkans not original (see Abs. 867). A position for him in Palestine might be desirable, but difficult to implement, since a geological survey of the land would be of high importance. TLS. [45 765]. 918. From Émile Borel Paris, 26 February 1929 The University of Paris intends to confer on AE an honorary doctoral degree in mid- November. On this occasion, the Institut Henri Poincaré asks for at least one lecture or a course of several. Regrets that AE could not be the first foreign lecturer there. TLS. [30 243]. 919. To Blas Cabrera [Berlin,] 27 February 1929 In reply to Abs. 909, gives permission to republish the English translation of Doc. 387 if The Times agrees. Would correct the geometric consideration at its end. Did not send Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) because it is for specialists in mathematics and physics. The resonance it found with the general public is due to misunderstandings. TLC. [45 732]. 920. To Cornelio Sagui [Berlin,] 27 February 1929 Thanks for Abs. 906. Requests Sagui’s papers, which make use of Riemannian geometry and distant parallelism, so as to be able to take them into consideration. TLC. [20 433]. 921. From André Metz Paris, 27 February 1929 Thanks for AE’s letter (nonextant) and publications. When translating them he will take into account AE’s reservations. Was asked to translate AE’s article published in the New York Times. Prepared a paper on Euclidean geometry and physics to be published in Revue Philosophique. Would be pleased to see AE’s critique. Paul Dupont contests his paper’s conformity with the interpretations of true “relativists.” AKS. [18 265]. 922. From Rudolf Goldschmidt [Berlin,] 28 February 1929 On this day he submitted applications for patenting two of their joint inventions. (Most likely an electromagnetic drive for loudspeakers [35 504] and an electromagnetic trans- mission system [35 504.1]). ALS. [35 501]. 923. From Paul Dessau Charlottenburg, [March 1929] As an expression of his admiration, sends a little piece for violin and harpsichord or piano ([30 390]), inspired by an article on AE in the Illustrierte Zeitung and a picture of him with a violin. AKS. [30 389].
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