2 0 8 D O C U M E N T S 2 1 4 , 2 1 5 J U N E 1 9 2 8 214. To Walther Meißner [Berlin,] 4 June 1928 Dear Doctor Meißner, It is truly remarkable how large the corrections for the critical data turn out to be, and how small in comparison are those for .[1] Under these circumstances, it should prove to be more correct to compare the state diagrams themselves, plotted using the reduced state temperature , with that of nitrogen. I should think that this could best be done optically, by trying to bring both diagrams into congru- ence through varying the dilatation in the p and in the V directions. This should be more correct than trying to work with an equation of state. According to quantum mechanics, by the way, there is a second correction, which also plays a role and can be calculated with Schrödinger’s theory namely, the increase in the apparent diameters of colliding molecules when the temperature is so low that the wavelengths of the matter waves are of the same order of magni- tude as the molecular diameters.[2] But it should be preferable to first carry out the investigation without taking this effect into account. It would be very nice if you would visit me some time, so that we can discuss the method.— With kind regards, your 215. From Chaim Weizmann [London,] 6 June 1928 Dear Professor Einstein, The meetings of the university bodies are now over, and I would like to give you forthwith a brief account of the essence of the discussions.[1] I received your three letters and promptly gave Mr. Warburg copies of them, and I had your longer letter to the board of trustees distributed to all the participants.[2] Thereupon Mr. Warburg immediately wrote to you, and has already received your answer, which he showed me yesterday.[3] In the meetings, the discussion turned mainly around two questions: the relation between teaching and research in the further development of the university and the question of academic administration.[4] You know that very far-ranging recommen- dations regarding the introduction of instruction in both the humanities and the nat- ural sciences were sent in from Jerusalem.[5] I personally fought with the greatest energy against the tendency to now turn the university into a teaching institution, px V x R T x ----------- Tx