2 2 8 D O C U M E N T S 2 3 0 , 2 3 1 J U N E 1 9 2 8 230. From Felix Moritz Warburg Hamburg 1, 25 June 1928 Dear Professor, I hope that you are in better health by the time these lines reach you. Our meeting in London was quite interesting, and although we too could not de- cide to appoint Brodetsky[1] as academic head—on several grounds that have in any case already been communicated to you—I nonetheless believe that every in- dividual will pursue with great interest the further studies of this problem on the part of the committee that you head.[2] It was highly interesting to me to discuss the problems with the various gentle- men, and we all truly agree that we have a right to feel that we have achieved quite a lot in a few years, although of course if this new construction is compared to the old established universities there remains much to complain about. However, that we were also blessed with an earthquake right at the outset was a somewhat unexpected act of providence.[3] I would actually have hoped still to meet with you in Berlin, but since I am al- ready going to board the ship on Friday, and will stay in London longer that I thought because of the Palestine Committee,[4] I will probably have to postpone our meeting until next year. With the greatest respect and friendship, your Felix M. Warburg 231. To Andor Fodor [Berlin,] 28 June 1928 Dear Mr. Fodor, I feel very sorry for you. I accept your decision to leave the institution.[1] The only thing that I would like to ask of you is not to worry about all the riff-raff and go on quietly working, so far as possible. I worked out the final requirements for the meeting and sent them to the board of trustees. These requirements were not accepted.[2] I am now convinced that ev- ery minute I devote to this foul business is wasted. On the other hand, I don’t want to make a noisy exit from the board of trustees and the acad. council,[3] in order not to provide the goyim and the anti-Zionists with ammunition.[4] You must do the same. You have to remember that there is much good will behind this thing, even
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