3 7 4 D O C U M E N T S 4 0 7 , 4 0 8 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 9 407. To Giuseppe Vitali[1] [Berlin?,] 16 February 1929 Dear Colleague, By the same post, I am sending you my articles on the subject.[2] Unfortunately, when I wrote the first one, I didn’t know that several mathematicians, including yourself, had studied manifolds with distant paralellism, so that I failed to cite any- one else.[3] This gap has however been closed by Weitzenböck, who recently pub- lished an article through our Academy with extensive bibliographical citations.[4] Respectfully yours, 408. To Walther Schücking Berlin, 20 February 1929 Dear Professor Schücking, As you know, there are still great differences of opinion between German and Belgian publications regarding the justification of the measures taken by the Ger- man military in Belgium in 1924.[1] So long as nothing is done to eradicate them through the amicable agreement of right-thinking, trustworthy men on both sides, the accumulated hatred cannot be eliminated. After an exchange of letters with leading Belgians and after a detailed conver- sation with the former secretary of the corresponding Reichstag investigative com- mittee, Dr. Widmann, it seems to me absolutely possible to create a completely independent commission consisting of Belgians and Germans that will seek to ar- rive at an agreement concerning the understanding of the facts in question, and then publish it jointly.[2] This is only for your information. When the commission has been established, it will naturally determine its goal itself. As a preparatory step to- ward the creation of this commission, I’m thinking of a meeting between you and Abbe Dom Norbert Nieuwland in Maredsous. In a truly satisfying letter that I am enclosing, the latter has already agreed to participate in this preparatory discussion.[3]