D O C U M E N T S 4 0 4 4 0 6 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 9 3 7 3 403. From Arthur Stanley Eddington [???,] 11 February 1929 [See documentary edition for English text.] 404. Verse for Eva Einstein[1] [Berlin, 12 February 1929][2] “After such a friendly chatter For an autograph you still bother” Thus happened on… 405. To Sigmund Freud Berlin, 13 February 1929 Dear Mr. Freud, I take this opportunity to send you my kind regards. I am convinced that the en- terprise planned by Dr. Frankenstein is well-suited to nurture and protect Jewish talents.[1] I have discussed the plan with Dr. Frankenstein and strongly urge you also to give some attention to the enterprise.— Respectfully yours, A. Einstein 406. To Wilhelm Ostwald Berlin, 16 February 1929 Dear Mr. Ostwald, Thank you very much for sending me the exceptionally attractive and splendidly colorful flower painting.[1] You are simply able to do whatever you wish. I hope very much that we can arrange for the Reichsanstalt to take on your quantitative theory of colors.[2]— I was uncommonly delighted that after so many years I was able to see you again during your visit to the Academy and to converse with you. Best wishes, your A. Einstein
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