D O C U M E N T S 4 4 1 4 4 3 M A R C H 1 9 2 9 3 9 7 If we may wish you something today, it is the health and the energy to continue your work, for the good of physics and for the benefit of humanity. With sincere respect, R. Ladenburg[1] H. Kopfermann[2] G. Wolfsohn[3] H. Kallmann[4] K. F. Bonhoeffer[5] 441. From Chaim Weizmann Zionist Org. 77, Gt. Russell St WC1 [London,] 14 March 1929 Cordial good wishes on your birthday. May the love and devotion of all of us give you strength for your work on the intellectual and ethical advancement of hu- manity and your loyal collaboration in the renewal of the Jewish people. Chaim Weizmann 442. To A. M. Bose [Berlin, after 14 March 1929][1] It is so gratifying that you have retained your gentle approach to life in our Eu- rope, which is, so to speak, drowning in so much futility. Our science is also suf- fering from this. Inwardness and unity must remain our goal. 443. To Rose Hilferding[1] [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Many thanks! But if the minister doesn’t want to let in the sick lion Trotsky and provide him with a refuge, then…[2] if he weren’t minister, I’d want to grab him by the ear. Best regards, your A. Einstein I would gladly come to see you if you have a little leisure, but without any par- ticular purpose.
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