D O C U M E N T 5 0 1 A P R I L 1 9 2 9 4 3 3 499. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 15 April 1929 [Not selected for translation.] 500. Message to the Einstein Jubilee Celebration in New York[1] [Einstein 1929w] Dated 16 April 1929 Published 18 April 1929 In: Jewish Daily Bulletin, 18 April 1929, p. 3. [See documentary edition for English text.] 501. To Max Erlanger[1] Berlin W., 16 April 1929 Dear Mr. Erlanger, Thank you very much for your great thoughtfulness. The house is quite attrac- tive as a place to be born in, because on that occasion one still has no great aesthetic needs, but at first just bellows out one’s love, without caring much about the rea- sons and circumstances. Your, A. Einstein 502. “Einstein Urges Support for Scientific Institute” [Einstein 1929v] Published 17 April 1929 In: Jewish Daily Bulletin, 17 April 1929, p. 2. [See documentary edition for English text.]
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 5 0 1 A P R I L 1 9 2 9 4 3 3 499. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 15 April 1929 [Not selected for translation.] 500. Message to the Einstein Jubilee Celebration in New York[1] [Einstein 1929w] Dated 16 April 1929 Published 18 April 1929 In: Jewish Daily Bulletin, 18 April 1929, p. 3. [See documentary edition for English text.] 501. To Max Erlanger[1] Berlin W., 16 April 1929 Dear Mr. Erlanger, Thank you very much for your great thoughtfulness. The house is quite attrac- tive as a place to be born in, because on that occasion one still has no great aesthetic needs, but at first just bellows out one’s love, without caring much about the rea- sons and circumstances. Your, A. Einstein 502. “Einstein Urges Support for Scientific Institute” [Einstein 1929v] Published 17 April 1929 In: Jewish Daily Bulletin, 17 April 1929, p. 2. [See documentary edition for English text.]

