4 3 2 D O C U M E N T S 4 9 5 , 4 9 6 A P R I L 1 9 2 9 495. To Rudolf Goldschmidt [Berlin,] 12 April 1929 Dear Mr. Goldschmidt, The Tekniske Forsogaktieselskab. in Copenhagen has documented for me, in agreement with our conversation, my fractional part in the paternity of the egg[1] to be jointly attributed to us.[2] My only remaining concern is that my name appear neither in advertising nor in any other way. Do you have any idea how that could be ensured? I still fear that the truly wonderful idea of the compensation of elasticity is too subtle for practical implementation.[3] With kind regards, your 496. Greetings to the Einstein Jubilee Committee [Berlin, between 13 and 16 April 1929][1] For your efforts in the service of collective cultural enterprises in Palestine, I wish you complete success.[2] It doesn’t spring from individuals but rather from acts in service of the community. 497. Message to the Einstein Jubilee Committee [Berlin, between 13 and 16 April 1929][1] [See Doc. 500 in documentary edition for published English version.] 498. Message on the Jewish National Fund for the Einstein Jubilee Celebration in New York[1] [Einstein 1929x] Dated after 13 April 1929[2] Published 18 April 1929 In: Jewish Daily Bulletin, 18 April 1929, p. 3. [See documentary edition for English text.]