D O C U M E N T S 5 2 9 , 5 3 0 M AY 1 9 2 9 4 5 5 529. To Attilio Palatini[1] [Berlin,] 12 May 1929 Dear Colleague, Your work has seriously interested me.[2] The main difference between us is purely formal, in that you prefer local tensors, while I mainly use ordinary tensors. I am sending you at the same time my new article, in which I have returned to Ham- ilton’s principle.[3] The derivation of the field equations given there can still be im- proved, in that it is unnecessary to make any assumptions about in (10). It is sufficient here to set The theory yields precisely the Schwarzschild solu- tion, although the equations have nothing to do with those of the earlier theory. This is rather remarkable. Whether or not this theory is really relevant can only be learned from the problem of motion, whose solution is present implicitly in the equations. With best regards, your A. Einstein 530. From Aurel Stodola Zurich, 12 May 1929 Dear and all along secretly beloved master, When you told me, behind our physics building, of your appointment to the Ber- lin Academy,[1] I trembled inwardly and my eyes swam with tears of joy, because someone received ideal justice on Earth. Then my respect for the historical figure speaking in the clouds grew so great that a formality entered my behavior that you noticed with dislike and, I believe, coldly left me. Now your article in the N[eue] Z[ürcher] Z[eitung] flowed over me like a warm spring[2] in which I confidently bathed and that washed away all doubt. That made a man who, as you insightfully guessed, had to live for decades in an inadequate environment, finally happy![3] On reading your astonishing lines I experienced the moment at which one says: verweile doch………. I felt gripped by a spirituality that deeply imbues all humans—and thus is ulti- mately a beauty that cannot be surpassed. Please accept my warmest thanks for this splendid experience from yours truly, A. Stodola 1 2 0. =