288 DOCUMENTS 260, 261 MARCH-APRIL 1911 260. To Lucien Chavan [Zurich, 28 March 1911] Lieber Chavan! Ihre Nachricht hat mich ausserordentlich gefreut.[1] Wenn es nur auch wahr ist. Schreiben Sie mir alles nach Prag.[2] Unsere Adresse ist Hotel Viktoria Jungmannstr.[3] Prag. Mit herzlichen Grüssen Ihr Einstein. Ich werde dem F.[4] schon reinen Wein einschenken! AKS (Sz, Archiv der Einstein-Gesellschaft). [37 560]. The postcard is addressed "Herrn L Chavan Beundenfeldstr. Bern," and postmarked "Zürich 8 (Fluntern) 28.III.11.-3." [1]Probably a reference to a controversy involving Chavan and his superior at the Swiss Telegraph Administration. For CHAVAN's problems there, see Doc. 263. [2]Einstein had accepted a position at the German University of Prague beginning 1 April 1911 (see Docs. 245 and 247). [3]Jungmannova trida 18 (see Adresar Prague 1910). [4]Probably Ludwig Forrer (1845-1921). He was the Swiss Federal Councillor (Bundesrat) for Postal Affairs and Railroads, responsible for the Swiss Telegraph Administration in which Chavan was employed. See Doc. 271 for Forrer's involvement in the controversy at the Swiss Telegraph Administration. 261. To Conrad Habicht [Munich, 2 April 1911][1] Es ging gut. Heute kamen wir heiler Haut in München an.- Ich danke Ih- nen, auch im Namen meiner Frau herzlich für Ihre Gastfreundschaft[2] und dem braven und doch so schlauen Hofprediger für die vortrefflichen Zigarren. Mit den besten Grüssen Ihr A. Einstein [. . .][3] AKS (Walter Habicht, Rodersdorf, Switzerland). [12 470]. The postcard is addressed "Familie Habicht Fulacherstr. 18. Schaffhausen." The postmark is completely obscured. [1]Dated by the reference to the fact that Einstein registered his change of residence from Zurich to Prague with the Zurich military command on Thursday 30 March 1911 (see Ein- wohnerkontrolle, SzZ-Ar) and to the mention of Sunday in Munich in Doc. 263. [2]On their journey to Prague via Munich Mileva Einstein-Maric and Einstein may have passed through Schaffhausen, where Habicht's parents lived. [3]A postscript by Mileva Einstein-Maric is omitted.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

288 DOCUMENTS 260, 261 MARCH-APRIL 1911 260. To Lucien Chavan [Zurich, 28 March 1911] Lieber Chavan! Ihre Nachricht hat mich ausserordentlich gefreut.[1] Wenn es nur auch wahr ist. Schreiben Sie mir alles nach Prag.[2] Unsere Adresse ist Hotel Viktoria Jungmannstr.[3] Prag. Mit herzlichen Grüssen Ihr Einstein. Ich werde dem F.[4] schon reinen Wein einschenken! AKS (Sz, Archiv der Einstein-Gesellschaft). [37 560]. The postcard is addressed "Herrn L Chavan Beundenfeldstr. Bern," and postmarked "Zürich 8 (Fluntern) 28.III.11.-3." [1]Probably a reference to a controversy involving Chavan and his superior at the Swiss Telegraph Administration. For CHAVAN's problems there, see Doc. 263. [2]Einstein had accepted a position at the German University of Prague beginning 1 April 1911 (see Docs. 245 and 247). [3]Jungmannova trida 18 (see Adresar Prague 1910). [4]Probably Ludwig Forrer (1845-1921). He was the Swiss Federal Councillor (Bundesrat) for Postal Affairs and Railroads, responsible for the Swiss Telegraph Administration in which Chavan was employed. See Doc. 271 for Forrer's involvement in the controversy at the Swiss Telegraph Administration. 261. To Conrad Habicht [Munich, 2 April 1911][1] Es ging gut. Heute kamen wir heiler Haut in München an.- Ich danke Ih- nen, auch im Namen meiner Frau herzlich für Ihre Gastfreundschaft[2] und dem braven und doch so schlauen Hofprediger für die vortrefflichen Zigarren. Mit den besten Grüssen Ihr A. Einstein [. . .][3] AKS (Walter Habicht, Rodersdorf, Switzerland). [12 470]. The postcard is addressed "Familie Habicht Fulacherstr. 18. Schaffhausen." The postmark is completely obscured. [1]Dated by the reference to the fact that Einstein registered his change of residence from Zurich to Prague with the Zurich military command on Thursday 30 March 1911 (see Ein- wohnerkontrolle, SzZ-Ar) and to the mention of Sunday in Munich in Doc. 263. [2]On their journey to Prague via Munich Mileva Einstein-Maric and Einstein may have passed through Schaffhausen, where Habicht's parents lived. [3]A postscript by Mileva Einstein-Maric is omitted.

