6 8 2 I N D E X
Zangger, Heinrich (1874–1957), 53n, 334n
letter from AE, 447n
letter to AE, 334n
Zeipel, Hugo von (1873–1959), 424n
Zionist Association of Germany. See Zionisti-
sche Vereinigung für Deutschland
Zionist movement, 428, 629
American tour on behalf of, 439, 623–627
debate about cultural or political nature of,
233, 435n
devotion to, 229–236
importance of cultural aspect, 439
Zionist Organization (international), 227, 231,
234, 436n, 443n
Annual Conference, 235
Central Office (Zioniburo), letter from AE,
Education Department of, 230, 447n
Eleventh World Congress, 231
Fifth World Congress, 447n
University Advisory Committee, 436n
Zionist Executive of, 234
Zionist Organization of America, 231, 234, 436n
dispute with Zionist Organization, 233–234
Executive, letter from Weizmann, Chaim,
Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland (Zion-
ist Association of Germany), 225, 229, 232,
234, 240n, 293n
letter to AE, 224, 229
Program of Zionism, 232
proposed congress, 224
tension with CV, 225, 297n
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