I N D E X 6 8 1
Viscosity, 342–343n
Volksbund für Freiheit und Vaterland: support
for a league of nations, 10n
Volkshochschule Groß-Berlin, 288n
Volume element, invariant. See Invariant vol-
ume element
Vorwärts, 106, 348n
Vossische Zeitung, 106, 108, 124n, 348n
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, 436n
Walter, Bernhard (1861–1950), 53n
Warburg, Otto (1859–1938), 234
Washington University: Department of Physics
of, 53
Wassermann, August von (1866–1925), 448n
Waves, water, 314
Weber, Wilhelm (1804–1891), 104, 349n
Weizmann, Chaim (1874–1952), 231, 233–235,
435–436n, 447n–448n
letter from Blumenfeld, Kurt, 231, 234–235,
letter to Deedes, Sir Wyndham, 233
letter to Executive, Zionist Organization of
America, 435n
letter to Mond, Sir Alfred, 436n
Weizmann, Vera (1882–1966), 234
Weltsch, Robert (1891–1982), 235, 292n
Wertheimer, Max (1880–1943), 99n, 478n
Weyl, Helene (1893–1948), 80n
Weyl, Hermann (1885–1955), 27n, 49n, 72, 101,
410n, 412–414, 546, 575n
and anti-relativists, 111
in Bad Nauheim, 352, 355, 357n
on Bad Nauheim, 109
correspondence with AE, 62n, 80n, 416n
letter from AE, 44n, 139n–140n, 357n, 575n
letter to AE, 49n
on parallel transport, 157, 177n, 179n, 544
philosophical views, 80n
on Schwarzschild solution, 170, 183n, 559,
Space, Time, Matter, xxxii, 79–80n
Weyl’s unified field theory, xxvii, 61, 131, 139n,
320, 351–352, 357n, 412–414, 416n, 562,
AE’s objections to, xxvii, 61–62n, 80n, 139n,
280n, 352, 404n, 413, 416n, 574n
fundamental ideas of, 412–413
Weyland, Paul (1888–1972), 105–111, 345–346,
348n; letter to Ehrenhaft, Felix, 106
Whitehead, Alfred N. (1861–1947), xxi
Wien, Wilhelm (1864–1928), 104, 111, 113,
correspondence with AE, 108
letter from AE, 104, 128n, 349n
letter from Lenard, Philipp, 107
Wiener, Alfred (1885–1964)
letter from AE, 304n
letter to Traub, Michael, 228, 304n
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Hermann von, 283n
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von (1848–
1931): letter from AE, 300n
Wilhelm II (1859–1941), xxi
Wilson, Harold Albert (1874–1964), 88
Wind, Cornelis H. (1867–1911), 53n
Winteler, Pauline (1845–1906): letter from AE,
222, 381n
Winteler-Einstein, Maja (1881–1951), 292n
Winterfeldt, Joachim von (1865–1945): corre-
spondence with AE, 301n
Wirtinger, Wilhelm (1865–1945), 413–414,
416n; correspondence with AE, 416n
Wise, Stephen S. (1874–1949), 234
Wolff, Theodor (1868–1943), 297n
Wolfromm, Wilhelm, 195n
Workers’ Welfare Bureau of Jewish Organiza-
tions. See Arbeiterfürsorgeamt der jüdischen
World line, 134, 140n, 315
World point, 263
World War I
German deportation of Belgian workers, 239,
German military conduct in Belgium and Po-
land, 295
German wartime atrocities examined, 241n
Peace Treaty of Versailles, 240n, 282n, 333n,
X-rays, xxix, 51–53n
York-Steiner, Heinrich: letter from AE, 224, 228
Young, Wilmer: letter from Scattergood, Albert,
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