C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9 5 5 1
January 19 1-page TLC from Max Planck to Nobel Committee. Pro-
poses Einstein for the Nobel prize in physics for 1919, for
general relativity, and for its definition of inertia and gravi-
tation, thus providing a novel foundation for mechanics.
Provenance: SSVA, Center for History of Science, 1919
Fysik. [83 048].
Elections for the German National Assembly.
January 20 A 24-hour course on the theory of relativity scheduled to
begin at the University of Zurich, to last until 20 February.
Provenance: Auszug aus dem Protokoll des Erziehungsrates
des Kantons Zürich vom 23. Dezember 1918–9. Januar
1919. SzZU, ABF, Einstein, Lehraufträge 1918–19.
[70 471], [45 352.1], [81 532], [70 478].
In Zurich resides at Pension Sternwarte.
2-page LS from Erwin Freundlich to KWIP board of trust-
ees, in Otto Radtke’s hand, on an application for 500 M for
a microphotometer. He has not yet received the annual
allowance of 600 M for research expenses for 1918. He
writes directly because Einstein is away until mid-February.
Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1656. [77 269].
2-page L from Erwin Freundlich in Otto Radtke’s hand.
Requests that the entire annual allowance of 600 M for
research expenses be paid to him at the beginning of a fiscal
year rather than in monthly installments of 50 M. Prove-
nance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 13. [77 687].
3-page TDft. Cover letter to [Paul] W[inteler] and draft of
contract between Einstein, Jacob Koch, and Paul Winteler
on disposition of 1,100 shares at the value of 550,000 francs
from the “Schweiz. Auer-Aktien Gesellschaft.” Provenance:
IsJHU. [29 389].
January 22 2-page ALS from Carl Haider in Munich to KWIP board of
directors. Acknowledges receipt of letter from KWIP,
18 December 1918, and proposes coming to Berlin person-
ally to support request for planned research. Provenance:
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 4, Mappe Haider. [78 067].
after January 23 Co-signs “Erklärung in Sachen Liebknecht–Luxemburg,”
organized by the Liga zur Beförderung der Humanität
(Menschheitsbund). Provenance: GyMIZ, ED 184/15.
[82 607]. Dated by the letter and draft from Georg Nicolai
to Hans Delbrück, 23 January 1919. [78 130].