3 0 0 D O C U M E N T S 2 9 6 , 2 9 7 J U L Y 1 9 2 4
It would be a great pleasure for us to see you among our circle for as long as pos-
sible, before as well as after the physicists’ convention. Mr. Ehrenfest intends to
travel already at the beginning of August. In case, as we scarcely dare to hope, you
will be kind enough to accept our invitation, I most courteously request that you
inform me as soon as possible, so that we can obtain the visa in time and in order
to send you the travel money.
In expectation of your answer, yours very truly,
A. Joffé.
My address:
Prof. Dr. A. Joffé, Leningrad, Physical-Technical Röntgen Institute, Sosnowka
296. To Betty Neumann
[Geneva], 27 July [1924]
Dear Betty,
Many thanks for the detailed letter. After that one, I wish that “better not” had
been said and am worried that the chirping frog wants to hop into the murky water
a second time. Here all’s going well, at times
I like those fellows.
Wednesday I’m traveling to Zurich to see the boys and then, I hope, immediately
to Lautrach (c/o Dr. Anschütz, Lautrach Castle near Memmingen). Write me there
soon. After the 18th I’ll probably be traveling to Berlin, which, however, is a secret,
Warm regards to the whole
from your
A. Einstein.
297. To Luise Karr-Krüsi
[Zurich, 29 or 30 July
Cordial regards from Mrs. Einstein
to Mrs. Karr. Smuggled in and delivered
A. Einstein senior and
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