D O C U M E N T 2 9 9 A U G U S T 1 9 2 4 3 0 1
298. From Louis A. Bauer[1]
Washington, D.C. August 4, 1924 (No. B1).
[See documentary edition for English text.]
299. To Elsa Einstein
[Lautrach,] Tuesday, 6 August 1924
Dear Else,
I couldn’t write sooner because I knew, of course, that you were leaving on Au-
gust 1st and I didn’t have any holiday
I’m quite satisfied with the Gene-
van convention and find much good will there that should be
I really
do want to devote time and energy to this matter. On the 29th in the morning I ar-
rived in Zurich and found everything in the best of order. The
are splen-
did and give me great joy with their simple and somewhat unpolished ways.
also shone in relative sunshine. On the 30th we traveled together to Lau-
trach. I saw the house and now really am persuaded that it was a good
It’s almost new, in the best of locations near the Polytechnic, solidly built, and with
an unobstructed view of the lake and mountains. They looked at virtually all the
buildings in that entire city quarter before they made their choice. The Karrs were
I left the candies there with a suitable note and the boys are supposed to
It’s very pretty here, particularly since overly learned guests are lacking. But
Sommerfeld and Willstätter will be
I’m very much looking forward to
seeing the latter. We make music, go walking, eat, play billiards, etc. I’m also going
to see
but don’t yet know exactly when. The political authority in
Bern declared that it can’t issue a passport anymore because I’m also a German; I
wrote back to Bern
If another rejection arrives, then in the future I’ll have
to travel with German documents.
I’m glad that all of you like it so well. You really do need and deserve a proper
vacation, likewise
my favorite and little cat mother.
Wishing you a happy time, yours,
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