4 6 4 D O C U M E N T S 2 9 7 , 2 9 8 J U L Y – A U G U S T 1 9 2 4 AKS (IsJNLI/Schwadron Mss. Collection, Einstein Collection). [120 908]. The card is addressed “Fräulein Betty Neumann Maassenstr. 11 Berlin” and postmarked “Genève Exp. Lettres 28 VII 1924 9–10.” [1]At the fourth session of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, [2]Including her cousin and his wife, Hans Mühsam and Minna Mühsam-Adler. 297. To Luise Karr-Krüsi [Zurich, 29 or 30 July 1924][1] Herzliche Grüsse von Frau Einstein II an Frau Karr.[2] Geschmuggelt und über- bracht durch A. Einstein senior und junior.[3] ADS (Greg Norman, Surrey, UK). [123 436]. Folds in the paper suggest that this document was used to wrap candy. [1]Dated on the assumption that this is the note Einstein left with candy for the Karrs, to be deliv- ered by Hans Albert and Eduard during Einstein’s stay in Zurich (see Doc. 299). [2]Elsa Einstein. Luise Karr-Krüsi (1873–1959) was the wife of Albert Karr-Krüsi. [3]Einstein and Hans Albert Einstein. 298. From Louis A. Bauer[1] Washington, D.C. August 4, 1924 (No. B1). My dear Prof. Einstein: Since July 1923 I have had the pleasure of sending you to your Berlin address, as above, the following publications: 1. Chief results of a preliminary analysis of the Earth’s magnetic field for 1922 by Louis A. Bauer, Terr. Mag., March–June, 1923.[2] 2. Some physical aspects of a recent analysis of the Earth’s magnetic field by Louis A. Bauer, Science, v. 58, No. 1494, Aug. 17, 1923[3] 3. The Earth’s magnetic field for 1922 by Louis A. Bauer, Nature, August 25, 1923[4] 4. Report of the Department Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington[5] Let me hope that these publication have arrived safely in spite of your absence from Berlin. I have been looking forward with much anticipation to the publication of your proposed paper on gravitation and terrestrial magnetism, but thus far I have seen no