D O C U M E N T S 2 9 4 , 2 9 5 J U L Y 1 9 2 4 2 9 9
294. To Betty Neumann
July 192[4]
Dear Betty,
One week out of four, full of impressions and experiences, is already over. But
I haven’t yet had an evening as pleasant as visiting with Uncle Hans &
my much coveted Betty. Two days of meetings are behind
The impression I
got from the work and those people is excellent. ¢If they are [-------] [--] [-----]²! I
am glad that I joined in. On the 30th I’m going to Zurich and from there to Lautrach
with my boys. (Lautrach castle, near Memmingen, Allgäu, addr. Dr.
It would be nice if you wrote me once completely candidly. I’ll definitely rip up the
letter as soon as I’ve read it. I think of you a lot, about what is going on inside and
around you. Don’t get upset, and stay in control of the situation. It pains me that I
can’t help you more in this matter; but what help is that? I could perhaps advise you
much more easily if you didn’t happen to be Betty, of all people.
Fond regards also to Uncle and Aunt from your
A. Einstein.
P. S. Write me soon in any case, because I miss you quite acutely in this lively sol-
295. From Abram F. Ioffe
Leningrad, 26 July 1924
Esteemed Professor,
The Association of Russian Physicists, whose chairmanship I am currently hon-
ored to hold, is organizing a physicists’ convention in Leningrad from 15 to 20 Sep-
tember. Since it is a general wish to make your acquaintance and to be able to learn
of your views on various questions that we are industriously working to solve, we
permit ourselves to invite you to come to Russia and visit our assembly. Unfortu-
nately, it is possible only for a few Russian physicists to go abroad and study there.
We are hoping that Messrs. Ehrenfest and Langevin will also accept our invitation
(we already have a definite acceptance from Mr.
Thanks to the courtesy of the Scientific Technical Department of the Supreme
we have the means to reimburse the invited guests for the
costs of the trip, in the amount of 250 dollars (The Stettin–Leningrad passage by
ship costs about 25 dollars.)
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T S 2 9 4 , 2 9 5 J U L Y 1 9 2 4 2 9 9
294. To Betty Neumann
July 192[4]
Dear Betty,
One week out of four, full of impressions and experiences, is already over. But
I haven’t yet had an evening as pleasant as visiting with Uncle Hans &
my much coveted Betty. Two days of meetings are behind
The impression I
got from the work and those people is excellent. ¢If they are [-------] [--] [-----]²! I
am glad that I joined in. On the 30th I’m going to Zurich and from there to Lautrach
with my boys. (Lautrach castle, near Memmingen, Allgäu, addr. Dr.
It would be nice if you wrote me once completely candidly. I’ll definitely rip up the
letter as soon as I’ve read it. I think of you a lot, about what is going on inside and
around you. Don’t get upset, and stay in control of the situation. It pains me that I
can’t help you more in this matter; but what help is that? I could perhaps advise you
much more easily if you didn’t happen to be Betty, of all people.
Fond regards also to Uncle and Aunt from your
A. Einstein.
P. S. Write me soon in any case, because I miss you quite acutely in this lively sol-
295. From Abram F. Ioffe
Leningrad, 26 July 1924
Esteemed Professor,
The Association of Russian Physicists, whose chairmanship I am currently hon-
ored to hold, is organizing a physicists’ convention in Leningrad from 15 to 20 Sep-
tember. Since it is a general wish to make your acquaintance and to be able to learn
of your views on various questions that we are industriously working to solve, we
permit ourselves to invite you to come to Russia and visit our assembly. Unfortu-
nately, it is possible only for a few Russian physicists to go abroad and study there.
We are hoping that Messrs. Ehrenfest and Langevin will also accept our invitation
(we already have a definite acceptance from Mr.
Thanks to the courtesy of the Scientific Technical Department of the Supreme
we have the means to reimburse the invited guests for the
costs of the trip, in the amount of 250 dollars (The Stettin–Leningrad passage by
ship costs about 25 dollars.)

