4 0 4 D O C S . 4 0 8 , 4 0 9 D E C E M B E R J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 5
truly ingenious and very much favor your executing it. There will probably be a
kind of piezoelectric effect forming at the metal cylinder’s soldering point. But
control trials with lighter H2 allow this to be eliminated. I really am very happy that
fate has brought us together for this business, because someone else could not have
accomplished this so easily and I would have been condemned to ride about on an
imaginary hobby-horse for who knows how long.
Best wishes for 1925 to you and your excellent
A. Einstein.
408. To Hugo Andres Krüss[1]
[Berlin,] 30 December 1924
Esteemed Ministerial Director Dr. Krüss,
After our last board meeting (Einstein Tower) we were busily scouring our
brains about how, in the interest of fruitful work, to overcome the difficulties that
persist between Messrs.
and Ludendorff
. With Dr.
tance we finally arrived at the enclosed proposal, which we forward to you
Each of us is naturally pleased to remain at your disposal for further
explanation or consultation. We have reason to believe that Messrs. Freundlich and
Ludendorff are not negatively disposed to this proposal.
Very respectfully,
A. Einstein.
409. Aphorism
Be kind to people but indifferent to their conduct and opinions.
A. Einstein.
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