4 3 6 D O C U M E N T S 5 0 4 , 5 0 5 A P R I L 1 9 2 9 504. “Appeal for Henri Guilbeaux”[1] [Einstein et al. 1929b] Published 20 April 1929 In: Die Menschenrechte IV, 4/5 (20 April 1929): 16–17. Ten years have passed since Henri Guilbeaux, a writer who was known far be- yond the borders of France, and who was, during the war, the publisher of the mag- azine Demain (Geneva), which was already opposed to the war, was convicted of high treason and sentenced to death by the 3rd War Tribunal in Paris (March 1919). We do not seek to meddle in French trial procedure. But we see Guilbeaux, who lives in Berlin, up close. We know that this man, who fought for peace during the war and who, in the time after the war, believed that he had to serve the idea he rec- ognized as right, is no criminal. Henri Guilbeaux has been living in exile for ten years. For ten years he, who thinks and writes in the French language, has lived in foreign lands. We believe that French intellectuals see the unusual harshness of this situation and will join with us in urging that he be granted amnesty. Georg Bernhard, Bertolt Brecht, Alfred Döblin, Albert Einstein, Lion Feucht- wanger, Sigmund Freud, George Grosz, Gerhart Hauptmann, Arthur Holitscher, Herbert Ihering, Alfred Kerr, Emil Ludwig, Heinrich Mann, Erwin Piscator, Ernst Toller, Fritz von Unruh, Theodor Wolff, Stefan Zweig. Arnold Bennett and George B. Shaw join in this appeal. 505. To Elsa Einstein [Düsseldorf,] Saturday, for the happy man, there are no dates [20 April 1929][1] Dear Elsa, Like a real rascal, I’m taking each day as it comes, and yet I’m getting fine meals such as few princes get in these terrible times.[2] Meanwhile, I’ve been browning myself gently in the sun and playing the happy invalid enveloped in a cloud of attention and kindness. Apart from reading about the Einstein property affair, there are few distractions here.[3] Mr. and Mrs. Lebach[4] are incomparably sweet to me, and my sole concern is that they don’t all break their necks for me. Lanczos[5] is beginning to catch fire and to become more diligent. He wrote to me, certainly in the hope, once again, of—refuting something. But his leaps are already becoming smaller, like those of a half-broken little horse. Maybe he’ll still be of some use for