D O C . 5 0 3 I N T E R N AT I O N A L T R O T S K Y C O M M I T T E E 4 3 5 International Trotsky Aid On behalf of Prof. Albert Einstein, Prof. Gumbel, Prof. Magnus Hirschfeld, Arthur Holitscher, Hugo Urbahns, Paul Weyer. For the Right to Asylum! At a meeting of the League convened on 15 April in the former Herrenhaus, the following resolution concerning the rejection of Trotsky’s admission into the coun- try was approved: “The assembly of the ‘German League for Human Rights’ convened on 15 April in the Herrenhaus demands that the German government review its decision to deny Trotsky entrance into the country. No foreign policy or domestic policy concern can justify the denial of asylum. Protecting the right to asylum is precisely the duty of a democratic republic.”
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