D O C U M E N T 5 0 7 A P R I L 1 9 2 9 4 3 7 pulling carts.[6] Mr. Lebach has gotten involved in a smaller manufacturing busi- ness in the metals sector,[7] a good choice for him, in my opinion. They’re moving to Berlin in about two months, that is, he is going there alone, provisionally, where- as she remains in the cottage here until it has been rented or sold. Tomorrow or the day after, he is going to Berlin for a few days for important business negotiations. I will probably come home on Thursday, after I’ve visited Albert, too.[8] The Lebachs want me to stay on longer, but first of all, I can’t stay longer, and second, Mrs. Lebach goes to a great deal of trouble for me, so that I must be quite a burden for both of them. Mrs. Lebach is very fond of you. But the poor thing is worn out by worries, her sick friend,[9] and the impending move, and she suffers from tor- menting, chronic insomnia. The invalid friend’s condition, despite the advanced stage of her illness (abdominal cancer), has strikingly improved over the last few weeks she got a medication from some quack from Lugano that seems to have pro- duced this miracle. One has to be patient with Ilse. But it is better not to try too many things at once so that one can gain a clearer view of the matter.[10] With best wishes to all three of you,[11] your Albert The little poem is very good. I’m writing to the man.[12] 506. Message for an ORT Fund-Raising Campaign [Einstein 1929bb] Published 22 April 1929 In: New York Times, 22 April 1929, p. 11. [See documentary edition for English text.] 507. To Elsa Einstein [Düsseldorf, 22 April 1929] Dear Elsa, That must have been terrible for you. I myself was stunned upon reading it.[1] Now, thank God that it happened this way. I send my warmest regards to Ilse. We will all take pains to help her forget this shock. I am coming home on Thursday, after I have spent the day with Albert [2] there is supposed to be a train still leaving around 4:00. Mrs. Lebach is terribly nice and only too accommodating.[3] She goes
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