x i v L I S T O F T E X T S Vol. 7, 45a. “Opinion on Jakob Grommer’s Textbook Project,” before 11 October 1920 “Gutachten von Professor A. Einstein über das mathematisch- physikalische Unterrichtswerk von Dr. J. Grommer” Vol. 7, 50a. “On the Present Situation in Theoretical Physics,” 14 January 1921 Vol. 7, 52a. Opinion on Eggeling and Richter’s Project, 3 February 1921 Vol. 7, 56a. “International Relations in Science,” 2 April–10 August 1921 “Internationale Beziehungen in der Wissenschaft” Vol. 7, 56b. Professor Einstein on the Proposed Hebrew University of Jerusalem, before 3 April 1921 Vol. 7, 60a. Calculations on a Cooler, July 1921–March 1922 Vol. 7, 65a. “Expert Opinion” on Proposal by Heinrich Löwy, 12 October 1921 “Gutachten” 1. To Charlotte Weigert, early 1922 2. “Preface” to Bertrand Russell, Political Ideals, 1922 “Vorwort, ” Bertrand Russell. Politische Ideale. Berlin: Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschichte, 1922 3. “The International Character of Science,” before or on 1 January 1922 “Die Internationale der Wissenschaft” 4. From Max Born and James Franck, 1 January 1922 5. From Hermann Weyl, 3 January 1922 6. To Max Born, 6 January 1922 7. From Hedwig Born, 7 January 1922 8. From Paul Ehrenfest, 8 January 1922 9. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe, 9 January 1922 10. To Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn, 9 January 1922 11. From Richard B. Haldane, 9 January 1922 12. “Proof of the Non-Existence of an Everywhere Regular, Centrally Symmetric Field According to the Field Theory of Kaluza,” 10 January 1922 “Beweis der Nichtexistenz eines überall regulären zentrisch symmetrischen Feldes nach der Feld-Theorie von Th. Kaluza” Scripta Universitatis atque Bibliothecae Hierosolymitanarum. Mathematica et Physica 1 (1923)