L I S T O F T E X T S x x v i i
414. Calculations, ca. 6 January 1925
Not selected for translation
415. To Paul Ehrenfest, 8 January 1925
416. To Hendrik A. Lorentz, 9 January 1925
417. From Paul Ehrenfest, 9 January 1925
418. To Paul Ehrenfest, 11 January 1925
419. To Leo Kohn, 12 January 1925
420. From Paul Langevin, 13 January 1925
421. From Auguste Piccard,13 January 1925
422. Statement for Letters from Russian Prisons, ca. 16 January 1925
Not selected for translation
423. Introductory Letter to Letters from Russian Prisons,
ca. 16 January 1925
Letters from Russian Prisons, Consisting of Reprints of Documents
by Political Prisoners in Soviet Prisons, Prison Camps and Exile,
and Reprints of Affidavits Concerning Political Persecution in
Soviet Russia, Official Statements by Soviet Authorities, Excerpts
from Soviet Laws Pertaining to Civil Liberties, and Other
Documents. With Introductory Letters by Twenty-Two Well-Known
European and American Authors [Alexander Berkman, ed.].
Published for The International Committee for Political Prisoners.
New York: A. & C. Boni, 1925
See documentary edition for English text
424. To Otto Blumenthal, 20 January 1925
425. “Remark on P. Jordan’s Paper ‘On the Theory of Quantum
Radiation,’” 22 January 1925
“Bemerkung zu P. Jordans Abhandlung „Zur Theorie der
Zeitschrift für Physik 31 (1925)
426. From Satyendra Nath Bose, 27 January 1925
See documentary edition for English text
427. “On the Quantum Theory of the Ideal Gas,” 29 January 1924
“Zur Quantentheorie des idealen Gases”
Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin). Physikalisch-
mathematische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte (1925)
428. To Robert Eisler, 31 January 1925
429. From Otto Blumenthal, 31 January 1925
430. To Georgi I. Manev, 3 February 1925
Not selected for translation
431. To Willem Julius, 5 February 1925