D O C . 4 2 5 R E M A R K O N J O R D A N S P A P E R 4 1 7
it coming into conflict with experience; it is irreconcilable with our knowledge
about the laws of absorption.
For the sake of clarity, I specialize the function σ to be thus: Each act of absorp-
tion consists of the absorption of half a quantum that approaches the atom in the
positive X-direction, and of half a quantum that approaches the atom in the negative
X-direction. The monochromatic radiation densities corresponding to these two di-
rections are and . The probability law for one act of absorption is then, ac-
cording to (18′),
If the radiation does approach the molecule in just one direction, e.g., in the pos-
itive X-direction, then and no absorption takes place at all. If and
are both other than zero, but not equal to each other, then the beams being looked
at will not be weakened in the same proportion by the absorption, but only abso-
lutely equally as much.
If the media of our experience were composed of such molecules, it would make
no sense to speak of absorption coefficients for a particular kind of light.
It is clear that a molecule like the one considered before would never receive im-
pulses in elementary acts, therefore, that—moving in a field of thermal radiation—
it would not be subject to the mean force of friction, either.
All of this is connected with the fact that the author’s hypothesis does not treat
the radiation emanating from differently directed beams as independent of each
other. This must be done, however, in order to bring it into accord with the most
elementary observations on absorption. If one does so, one necessarily arrives at
the result that, for every elementary process of absorption or emission, a momen-
tum of the absolute quantity is transferred onto the molecule.
426. From Satyendra Nath Bose
Paris V, 17 de Sommerard Street, 27 January 1925
[See documentary edition for English text.]
[p. 785]
ρ+ ρ

--lgρ+ -
--lgρ– - +
b ρ+ρ– . = =

0, = ρ+ ρ

----- -
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C . 4 2 5 R E M A R K O N J O R D A N S P A P E R 4 1 7
it coming into conflict with experience; it is irreconcilable with our knowledge
about the laws of absorption.
For the sake of clarity, I specialize the function σ to be thus: Each act of absorp-
tion consists of the absorption of half a quantum that approaches the atom in the
positive X-direction, and of half a quantum that approaches the atom in the negative
X-direction. The monochromatic radiation densities corresponding to these two di-
rections are and . The probability law for one act of absorption is then, ac-
cording to (18′),
If the radiation does approach the molecule in just one direction, e.g., in the pos-
itive X-direction, then and no absorption takes place at all. If and
are both other than zero, but not equal to each other, then the beams being looked
at will not be weakened in the same proportion by the absorption, but only abso-
lutely equally as much.
If the media of our experience were composed of such molecules, it would make
no sense to speak of absorption coefficients for a particular kind of light.
It is clear that a molecule like the one considered before would never receive im-
pulses in elementary acts, therefore, that—moving in a field of thermal radiation—
it would not be subject to the mean force of friction, either.
All of this is connected with the fact that the author’s hypothesis does not treat
the radiation emanating from differently directed beams as independent of each
other. This must be done, however, in order to bring it into accord with the most
elementary observations on absorption. If one does so, one necessarily arrives at
the result that, for every elementary process of absorption or emission, a momen-
tum of the absolute quantity is transferred onto the molecule.
426. From Satyendra Nath Bose
Paris V, 17 de Sommerard Street, 27 January 1925
[See documentary edition for English text.]
[p. 785]
ρ+ ρ

--lgρ+ -
--lgρ– - +
b ρ+ρ– . = =

0, = ρ+ ρ

----- -

