D O C U M E N T 4 2 9 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 5 4 2 7
as wrong-headed; just as I do those in Hölder’s
I contemplated for a long
time what should now be done to resolve this matter without a serious quarrel aris-
ing within the editorial board. It seems to me that the solution proposed by
Bieberbach is by far the
An official invitation to individual French mathe-
maticians should not take place. No more invitations will be extended to other Ger-
man or foreign scholars, either. Please inform Langevin of this and ask him at the
same time kindly to arrange that we be in receipt here of suitable contributions to
the Riemann volume by January of next year from the gentlemen with whom he
has already spoken. I request your immediate response whether you agree with this
course. I see, as I said, no other option. I shall then communicate this proposal to
Hilbert as the first titular editor. I consider his acquiescence certain. He will then
inform the other Annalen editors in an appropriate manner.
I still have to discuss two other points. First, about your own contribution to the
Riemann volume. You apparently misunderstood our circular by comprehending
the delivery deadline as already this January. As the honorary volume will not be
appearing until September 1927, your paper would thereby be condemned to 1 ¾-
year’s repose, which is certainly not your intention. In reality, a submission in Jan-
uary of next year is intended.
A short while ago I presented to you the inquiry by the Vuibert publishing house
about a translation of
All the remaining collaborators have
meanwhile stated their agreement to the translation. I would be very grateful if you
would also inform me of your approval soon, for obviously without that the entire
translation will not be undertaken. It occurred to me afterwards from a remark by
H. A.
that the division of the honorarium in equal parts among all the
collaborators and me as publisher is to your disadvantage. This proposal, made for
the sake of mathematical simplicity, can be revised, of course. Thus I ask you
please for an answer very soon.
Best regards, your
O. Blumenthal.
430. To Georgi I. Manev[1]
[Berlin,] 3 February 1925
[Not selected for translation.]
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 4 2 9 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 5 4 2 7
as wrong-headed; just as I do those in Hölder’s
I contemplated for a long
time what should now be done to resolve this matter without a serious quarrel aris-
ing within the editorial board. It seems to me that the solution proposed by
Bieberbach is by far the
An official invitation to individual French mathe-
maticians should not take place. No more invitations will be extended to other Ger-
man or foreign scholars, either. Please inform Langevin of this and ask him at the
same time kindly to arrange that we be in receipt here of suitable contributions to
the Riemann volume by January of next year from the gentlemen with whom he
has already spoken. I request your immediate response whether you agree with this
course. I see, as I said, no other option. I shall then communicate this proposal to
Hilbert as the first titular editor. I consider his acquiescence certain. He will then
inform the other Annalen editors in an appropriate manner.
I still have to discuss two other points. First, about your own contribution to the
Riemann volume. You apparently misunderstood our circular by comprehending
the delivery deadline as already this January. As the honorary volume will not be
appearing until September 1927, your paper would thereby be condemned to 1 ¾-
year’s repose, which is certainly not your intention. In reality, a submission in Jan-
uary of next year is intended.
A short while ago I presented to you the inquiry by the Vuibert publishing house
about a translation of
All the remaining collaborators have
meanwhile stated their agreement to the translation. I would be very grateful if you
would also inform me of your approval soon, for obviously without that the entire
translation will not be undertaken. It occurred to me afterwards from a remark by
H. A.
that the division of the honorarium in equal parts among all the
collaborators and me as publisher is to your disadvantage. This proposal, made for
the sake of mathematical simplicity, can be revised, of course. Thus I ask you
please for an answer very soon.
Best regards, your
O. Blumenthal.
430. To Georgi I. Manev[1]
[Berlin,] 3 February 1925
[Not selected for translation.]

