4 2 8 D O C U M E N T S 4 3 1 , 4 3 2 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 5
431. To Willem Julius
[Berlin, 5 February 1925]
To the Inn of the
Saturday evening, arrival of a shabby street musician. Please prepare room and
A. E.
Please do not forewarn the grim believer, Orecchio-Pietra.[1]
432. From Henri Bergson
Paris, 32 Vital Street, 5 February 1925
Sir and very honorable Colleague,
I am very touched by the invitation from Professor Weizmann that you kindly
transmitted to me, to take part in the inauguration of the university in Jerusalem.[1]
If it had been possible for me, I would wholeheartedly have attended this moving
ceremony. But I unfortunately do not see the prospect of doing so. I could say with-
out exaggeration that I have not given myself half a day’s rest for many years. Even
so, I still have not managed to meet engagements agreed upon in various countries
for lectures and conferences, which one does not fail to remind me of from time to
time, and which I am always obliged to postpone. Absenting myself under such
conditions for a voyage to Jerusalem would be absolutely impossible for me.
Would you relay to Professor Weizmann (whose kind letter I return to you) my
most cordial thanks, and impart to him my very sincere regret?
It will be a great satisfaction for me to meet you again at the next session of the
International Committee.[2] It will have as its special purpose the organization of
the new institute.[3] The doubts that some members of the committee hitherto had,
and which I do indeed perfectly understand, will evaporate completely, I hope,
when they see this institute in operation.
With cordial regards, yours,
H. Bergson.
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