L I S T O F T E X T S x i i i 1. From Leo Kohn, between 1 June and 31 July 1927 Not selected for translation 2. From Werner Heisenberg, 10 June 1927 3. From Max von Laue, 11 June 1927 4. To Max von Laue, 12 June 1927 5. To Paul Ehrenfest, 13 June 1927 6. Review of Émile Meyerson’s La déduction relativiste, before 15 June 1927 7. To Émile Meyerson, 15 June 1927 8. To Hendrik A. Lorentz, 17 June 1927 9. Recommendation for Emil Julius Gumbel, 18 June 1927 10. From Émile Meyerson, 19 June 1927 11. To the Presiding Secretary of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, 23 June 1927 12. To Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, 25 June 1927 13. To Rudolf Seeliger, 25 June 1927 14. From Michele Besso, 25 June 1927 15. To Michele Besso, 29 June 1927 16. To Frederick Alexander Lindemann, after 3 July 1927 17. From Max Barthel, 4 July 1927 18. Elsa Einstein to Reichsbund Jüdischer Frontsoldaten, after 6 July 1927 19. To Elsa Einstein, 9 July 1927 20. To Hans Albert Einstein, 11 July 1927 21. To Elsa Einstein, 12 July 1927 22. From Moritz Schlick, 14 July 1927 23. To Elsa Einstein, 16 July 1927 24. To Elsa Einstein, 16 July 1927