D O C U M E N T 7 J U N E 1 9 2 7 3 3 The essential aspects of the theories of Weyl and of Eddington for representing the electromagnetic field thus do not lie in the fact that these theories have incor- porated the theory of this field into geometry, but rather that they have shown a pos- sible way to represent gravitation and electromagnetism from a unified point of view, while previously those fields had entered the theory as logically independent entities.[16] Meyerson furthermore correctly emphasizes that in many descriptions of rela- tivity theory, one speaks incorrectly of a “spatialization of time.”[17] Space and time are admittedly fused into a unified continuum, but that continuum is not isotropic. The character of a spatial neighborhood remains distinct from that of a temporal neighborhood, in particular with respect to the signs within the squared distance between two neighboring world-points.[18] Meyerson’s book belongs in my opinion among the most worthwhile of those written about relativity from the point of view of the theory of knowledge. My only regret is that Meyerson has not taken M. Schlick’s work into account. He would most certainly have been able to appreciate its value.[19] Translators’ note: Based in part on a translation from Dennis Lehmkuhl, “Why Einstein did not believe that general relativity geometrizes gravity.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 46 (2014): 316-326. 7. To Émile Meyerson[1] [Berlin,] 15 June 1927 Esteemed Mr. Meyerson, After a careful reading of your book, I have, as best I could, written a review.[2] I greatly admired your presentation. Many-sided knowledge and sound instinct are seldom combined in a single skull as they are in you. Perhaps in my review I have devoted too much space to criticism, although it concerns points that are not entirely essential. But I think that a comparison of opinions is always very fruitful way. It might be best, if you would be so kind as to do so, to translate these few pages into French. Where you are not in agreement, I am prepared to make changes, in- sofar as I can harmonize them with my way of seeing the problems. Lévy-Bruhl has written to tell me that he wants to publish the review.[3] Kind regards from your A. Einstein P.S. If my elucidations do not please you, I would gladly change them within the limits of what can be reconciled with my reflections. Please return the manuscript to me after it has been translated.
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