C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 7 2 0 5
Jun 4 The Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna announces
that the Baumgartner Prize in the amount of 3,000 crowns is
awarded to Einstein and W. J. De Haas for “A Simple
Experiment to Demonstrate Ampère’s Molecular Currents”
(Vol. 6, Doc. 28).
Jun 26 Attends meeting of Koppel-Foundation representatives and
senate of KWG, at which it is decided to establish the KWIP
on 1 October, with Einstein as director.
Jun 29 Departs for summer vacation in Switzerland, combined with
a lecture in Frankfurt and a visit to his mother in Heilbronn.
Jul 6 The KWG grants 50,000 M annually to the KWIP. Einstein
is appointed director, with an annual salary of 5,000 M. The
organization of the institute and the composition of the
boards of trustees and directors, the latter consisting exclu-
sively of “physicists” (F. Haber, W. Nernst, M. Planck,
H. Rubens, E. Warburg) are provisional (for the duration of
the war).
after Aug 29 Rózsika (Zorka) Maric; reports from Zurich on arrival at her
sick sister Mileva’s home to help in the household.
Sep 12 In Berlin, takes up new residence at Haberlandstr. 5.
before Oct 14 Signs “Manifesto for a Peace of Reconciliation,” addressed
to the German chancellor by University of Berlin
Oct 1 Takes up duties as director of the KWIP.
Oct 1–Feb 2, 1918 Offers a course on statistical mechanics and quantum theory
at the University of Berlin, Thursdays, 2–4 P.M.
Oct 26 Attends meeting of the Organization of the Like-Minded
(Vereinigung Gleichgesinnter) at the home of Werner Weis-
bach in Berlin.
Nov 2 “Review of Hermann von Helmholtz: Two Lectures on
Goethe” (Vol. 6, Doc. 46).
Nov 16 Reviews for the DPG the scientific papers of the late M. von
Smoluchowski, and lectures on the problem of boundary
conditions in the general theory of relativity.
Nov 22 Submits “A Derivation of Jacobi’s Theorem” (Vol. 6,
Doc. 47) to the PAW.
Nov 26 Joint constituent meeting of the boards of trustees and direc-
tors of the KWIP. W. von Siemens is elected chairman of the
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 7 2 0 5
Jun 4 The Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna announces
that the Baumgartner Prize in the amount of 3,000 crowns is
awarded to Einstein and W. J. De Haas for “A Simple
Experiment to Demonstrate Ampère’s Molecular Currents”
(Vol. 6, Doc. 28).
Jun 26 Attends meeting of Koppel-Foundation representatives and
senate of KWG, at which it is decided to establish the KWIP
on 1 October, with Einstein as director.
Jun 29 Departs for summer vacation in Switzerland, combined with
a lecture in Frankfurt and a visit to his mother in Heilbronn.
Jul 6 The KWG grants 50,000 M annually to the KWIP. Einstein
is appointed director, with an annual salary of 5,000 M. The
organization of the institute and the composition of the
boards of trustees and directors, the latter consisting exclu-
sively of “physicists” (F. Haber, W. Nernst, M. Planck,
H. Rubens, E. Warburg) are provisional (for the duration of
the war).
after Aug 29 Rózsika (Zorka) Maric; reports from Zurich on arrival at her
sick sister Mileva’s home to help in the household.
Sep 12 In Berlin, takes up new residence at Haberlandstr. 5.
before Oct 14 Signs “Manifesto for a Peace of Reconciliation,” addressed
to the German chancellor by University of Berlin
Oct 1 Takes up duties as director of the KWIP.
Oct 1–Feb 2, 1918 Offers a course on statistical mechanics and quantum theory
at the University of Berlin, Thursdays, 2–4 P.M.
Oct 26 Attends meeting of the Organization of the Like-Minded
(Vereinigung Gleichgesinnter) at the home of Werner Weis-
bach in Berlin.
Nov 2 “Review of Hermann von Helmholtz: Two Lectures on
Goethe” (Vol. 6, Doc. 46).
Nov 16 Reviews for the DPG the scientific papers of the late M. von
Smoluchowski, and lectures on the problem of boundary
conditions in the general theory of relativity.
Nov 22 Submits “A Derivation of Jacobi’s Theorem” (Vol. 6,
Doc. 47) to the PAW.
Nov 26 Joint constituent meeting of the boards of trustees and direc-
tors of the KWIP. W. von Siemens is elected chairman of the

