2 0 4 C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 7
Jan 7 A. Haas nominates Einstein for Nobel Prize, citing work in
the theory of gravitation.
Jan 18 A. von Harnack announces Franz Stock’s intention of
donating 540,000 M to the KWG. The interest from war
bonds in the amount of 500,000 M is to be applied toward
the planned KWI, the establishment of which had been bro-
ken off at the beginning of the war.
Jan 21 P. Weiss nominates Einstein for Nobel Prize, citing work in
theoretical and experimental physics.
Jan 23 E. Warburg nominates Einstein for Nobel Prize, citing work
in quantum theory, relativity theory, and gravitation.
Feb First serious symptoms of chronic gastric condition.
Feb 8 Submits “Cosmological Considerations in the General
Theory of Relativity” (Vol. 6, Doc. 43) to the PAW.
Feb 17 “Reply to the Plaintiff’s Written Statement of 27 December,
1916” (Vol. 6, Doc. 44).
Mar 14 Participates for the first time in a meeting of the board of
trustees of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt.
Mar 29 His “cat’s back” airfoil is tested in the wind tunnel of the
Versuchsanstalt für Flugtechnik, Göttingen.
Apr 13 Prussian Minister of Education appoints Einstein for one
year, with M. Born and H. Rubens, to a ministerial oversight
committee for physics of the Königlich Wissenschaftliches
Prüfungsamt in Berlin, which examines candidates for aca-
demic teaching positions.
Evaluates F. Danziger’s “Der Kreislauf im Weltall” submit-
ted 28 February.
Apr 16–Aug 15 Continues lectures on the theory of relativity at the Univer-
sity of Berlin, Thursdays, 2–4 P.M.
Apr 27 Reports to the DPG on an elementary deduction of the
Hamilton-Jacobi equation.
May 11 Reelected chairman of the DPG.
Lectures “On the Quantum Theorem of Sommerfeld and
Epstein” (Vol. 6, Doc. 45).
May 25 Chairs session of DPG at which F. Ehrenhaft lectures on
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

2 0 4 C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 7
Jan 7 A. Haas nominates Einstein for Nobel Prize, citing work in
the theory of gravitation.
Jan 18 A. von Harnack announces Franz Stock’s intention of
donating 540,000 M to the KWG. The interest from war
bonds in the amount of 500,000 M is to be applied toward
the planned KWI, the establishment of which had been bro-
ken off at the beginning of the war.
Jan 21 P. Weiss nominates Einstein for Nobel Prize, citing work in
theoretical and experimental physics.
Jan 23 E. Warburg nominates Einstein for Nobel Prize, citing work
in quantum theory, relativity theory, and gravitation.
Feb First serious symptoms of chronic gastric condition.
Feb 8 Submits “Cosmological Considerations in the General
Theory of Relativity” (Vol. 6, Doc. 43) to the PAW.
Feb 17 “Reply to the Plaintiff’s Written Statement of 27 December,
1916” (Vol. 6, Doc. 44).
Mar 14 Participates for the first time in a meeting of the board of
trustees of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt.
Mar 29 His “cat’s back” airfoil is tested in the wind tunnel of the
Versuchsanstalt für Flugtechnik, Göttingen.
Apr 13 Prussian Minister of Education appoints Einstein for one
year, with M. Born and H. Rubens, to a ministerial oversight
committee for physics of the Königlich Wissenschaftliches
Prüfungsamt in Berlin, which examines candidates for aca-
demic teaching positions.
Evaluates F. Danziger’s “Der Kreislauf im Weltall” submit-
ted 28 February.
Apr 16–Aug 15 Continues lectures on the theory of relativity at the Univer-
sity of Berlin, Thursdays, 2–4 P.M.
Apr 27 Reports to the DPG on an elementary deduction of the
Hamilton-Jacobi equation.
May 11 Reelected chairman of the DPG.
Lectures “On the Quantum Theorem of Sommerfeld and
Epstein” (Vol. 6, Doc. 45).
May 25 Chairs session of DPG at which F. Ehrenhaft lectures on

