2 0 8 C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 8
Jun 12 Signs divorce agreement.
Jun 14 Lectures on an edge phenomenon observed in X-ray images
indicating total reflection, and on the conservation of energy
in the general theory of relativity.
Jun 20 Lectures “Über eine von Levi-Civita und Weyl gefundene
Vereinfachung der Riemannschen Theorie der Krümmung
und über die hieran sich knüpfende Weylsche Theorie der
Gravitation und Elektrizität” to the PAW.
Jun 21 Publishes review of H. Weyl’s RaumZeitMaterie (Vol. 7,
Doc. 10).
Jun 29 Leaves for Ahrenshoop with Elsa Einstein and her daugh-
ters Margot and Ilse.
Jul 16 Writes an expert opinion for Anschütz & Co. (Vol. 7,
Doc. 11).
Aug 16–18 In reply to E. Meyer and H. Zangger’s proposal to explore
the possibility of a joint appointment at the University of
Zurich and at the ETH, Einstein declines, but offers to hold
guest lectures of 5–6 weeks’ duration twice a year.
Aug 24 Returns to Berlin from Ahrenshoop vacation.
Aug 31 Admission of adultery with his cousin Elsa is introduced as
cause for divorce in legal proceedings of November 1918.
Sep 30–Feb 1, 1919 Offers a course on relativity at the University of Berlin,
Thursdays, 2–4 P.M. First lecture recorded on October 11.
Oct 17 Communicates a paper by L. Lichtenstein, “Über einige
Eigenschaften der Gleichgewichtsfiguren rotirender homo-
gener Flüssigkeiten, deren Teilchen einander nach dem
Newtonschen Gesetz anziehen,” and Born, M. and Landé
1918 to the PAW.
before Oct 18 Nobel Committee for Physics invites Einstein to submit a
nomination for the 1919 Nobel Prize.
Oct 22 The Philosophical Faculty of the University of Zurich
approves E. Meyer’s suggestion for periodic lectures by
Nov 7 Is granted an annual cost of living allowance of 1,152 M,
due to the war, retroactive as of April 1918; 648 M retroac-
tively for the period July 1917 through March 1918; and
two one-time payments of 1,000 M each in September and
November 1918, by the Ministry of Education.
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