C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 8 2 0 7
Mar 6 “On the Foundations of the Theory of General Relativity”
(Vol. 7, Doc. 4).
Mar 7 On behalf of the ailing Einstein, M. Planck submits “Criti-
cal Remarks on a Solution of the Gravitational Equations
Presented by De Sitter” (Vol. 7, Doc. 5) to the PAW.
Mar 17 The philosophical faculty of the University of Göttingen
awards him the biannual Vahlbruch Prize in the amount of
11,000 M, given to German-speaking authors of significant
papers in the natural sciences.
Mar 21 “Can Refractive Indexes of Bodies Be Experimentally
Established for X-Rays?” (Vol. 7, Doc. 6).
Mar 31 The Peter Wilhelm Müller Foundation awards him and
D. Hilbert an honorary prize for achievements in the mathe-
matical sciences.
Apr 4 For the first time since December 1917, attends a meeting of
the PAW.
Apr 11 Communicates Weyl 1918b to the PAW, explaining that it
contains an interesting hypothesis which is nevertheless
unfruitful for physics.
Apr 18 Asks the plenary session of the PAW whether he should
present a manuscript, Weyl 1918b, which is physically
untenable. W. Nernst requests that Einstein add his objec-
tions to the manuscript. The PAW suggests postponement
until Einstein has communicated further with the author.
Apr 26 Chairs the DPG session in celebration of M. Planck’s 60th
birthday. Delivers his talk “Planck als wissenschaftliche
Persönlichkeit,” published as “Motives of Research” (Vol. 7,
Doc. 7).
before Apr 27 At the prompting of G. Nicolai, suggests to Hilbert and oth-
ers a collective appeal, to be individually composed and
addressed to neutral countries as a token of the international
spirit of Germany’s intellectuals.
May 2 Communicates Weyl 1918b and his own “Supplement”
(Vol. 7, Doc. 8) to the PAW.
May 10 Elected member of the advisory committee of the DPG.
May 16 Submits “The Energy Theorem in the General Theory of
Relativity” and “Supplement to the Correction” (Vol. 7,
Doc. 9) to the PAW.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 8 2 0 7
Mar 6 “On the Foundations of the Theory of General Relativity”
(Vol. 7, Doc. 4).
Mar 7 On behalf of the ailing Einstein, M. Planck submits “Criti-
cal Remarks on a Solution of the Gravitational Equations
Presented by De Sitter” (Vol. 7, Doc. 5) to the PAW.
Mar 17 The philosophical faculty of the University of Göttingen
awards him the biannual Vahlbruch Prize in the amount of
11,000 M, given to German-speaking authors of significant
papers in the natural sciences.
Mar 21 “Can Refractive Indexes of Bodies Be Experimentally
Established for X-Rays?” (Vol. 7, Doc. 6).
Mar 31 The Peter Wilhelm Müller Foundation awards him and
D. Hilbert an honorary prize for achievements in the mathe-
matical sciences.
Apr 4 For the first time since December 1917, attends a meeting of
the PAW.
Apr 11 Communicates Weyl 1918b to the PAW, explaining that it
contains an interesting hypothesis which is nevertheless
unfruitful for physics.
Apr 18 Asks the plenary session of the PAW whether he should
present a manuscript, Weyl 1918b, which is physically
untenable. W. Nernst requests that Einstein add his objec-
tions to the manuscript. The PAW suggests postponement
until Einstein has communicated further with the author.
Apr 26 Chairs the DPG session in celebration of M. Planck’s 60th
birthday. Delivers his talk “Planck als wissenschaftliche
Persönlichkeit,” published as “Motives of Research” (Vol. 7,
Doc. 7).
before Apr 27 At the prompting of G. Nicolai, suggests to Hilbert and oth-
ers a collective appeal, to be individually composed and
addressed to neutral countries as a token of the international
spirit of Germany’s intellectuals.
May 2 Communicates Weyl 1918b and his own “Supplement”
(Vol. 7, Doc. 8) to the PAW.
May 10 Elected member of the advisory committee of the DPG.
May 16 Submits “The Energy Theorem in the General Theory of
Relativity” and “Supplement to the Correction” (Vol. 7,
Doc. 9) to the PAW.

