D O C U M E N T 3 9 1 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 3 6 7 information, without first asking or informing me of their content, then the Lord God must have failed to provide you with a certain emotion when he launched you on your life’s path, through the lack of which mainly your fellow humans are forced to suffer. That lack is also suggested by the fact that you reproach me in your letters with those good deeds that you believe you have shown me by dealing with my work in a sympathetic manner.[5]— But enough of this pathos and moral outrage. We are all only weak human be- ings, and we should admit to one another that we all have failings. That is just the way we were constructed, and only the Lord God is responsible for it. In this vein, best regards from your A. Einstein 391. From Hans Reichenbach Berlin-Zehlendorf, 31 January 1929 Dear Mr. Einstein, I see from your letter[1] that you suffered some unpleasantness as a result of my article. I truly regret that, from my heart, and you can believe that I would never have written anything if I had had even the barest suspicion of the situation as you have now described it. But I could not have had any knowledge of any sort about such an agreement between you and the press, in particular since you didn’t indi- cate in the least that secrecy was of importance. One point still needs correction. I didn’t hold up any “good deeds” to you in my letter, which I had supposedly carried out in your favor for I had shown you no such “good deeds.” The last sentence in my letter was intended merely to remind you that between us, owing to the nature of my work, an arrangement of mutual trust exists, which, it seems to me, you lost sight of on your part when you wrote to the Vossische Zeitung in such a manner without consulting me. If I may interpret your letter, in particular your closing words, as an indication that you too consider a direct discussion and clarification of such things between us to be more proper, then perhaps I can now consider the matter to be settled. Yours, Hans Reichenbach
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