I N D E X 6 6 1
from Glogau, Otto et al., 363n
from Grommer, Jakob, 77n
to Grossmann, Marcel, 59n
from Haas, Wander de, 585n
to Haber, Fritz, 231–232, 447n
to Haenisch, Konrad, xxxi, 283n
to Hartmann, Eduard, 121n
with Hasenclever, Walter, 381n
to Helfritz, Hans, 228, 288n
to Hellpach, Willy, 226, 229
from Herrmann, Elsa, 332n
from Hertel, Eduard, 288n
to Hilbert, David, 76n; with Hilbert,
David, 140n
to Hiller, Kurt, 217n
from Histadrut Akademim Zionim, 231
to Holtzmann, Robert, 217n
to Humm, Rudolf, 43n
to Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin, Vorstand,
from Julius, Willem H., 281n
to Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics,
Board of Trustees, 281n
to Kaluza, Theodor, 575n
from Klein, Felix, xxvi, 36n, 49n, 405n; to
Klein, Felix, 43n, 80n, 140n, 179n,
405n; with Klein, Felix, xxxiii, 49n,
from Korrodi, Eduard, 300n
from Kottler, Friedrich, 76n
to Landgericht Berlin, 481n
to Laub, Jakob, 104, 223, 226, 292n
from Laue, Max von, 59n, 121n
from Lawson, Robert W., 378n; to Law-
son, Robert W., 217n, 281n, with
Lawson, Robert W., 279n
to Lazarev, Pëtr P., 223, 430n
with Levi-Civita, Tullio, 28n
from Levin, Shmarya, 447n
from Lindemann, Frederick, 211n
from Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, xxx, 200–
201n, 349n, 486n; to Lorentz, Hendrik
Antoon, 241n, 322n–323n, 333n,
491n; with Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon,
280n, 321n, 468n, 585n
to Löwenthal, Elsa, 223
to Mari , Mileva, 223, 321n
from Meinhardt, Danziger, and Nünning-
hoff, 486n
from Meyer, Edgar, 53n; to Meyer, Edgar,
from Meyer, Eduard, 287n; to Meyer,
Eduard, 288n
from Mie, Gustav, 43n–44n, 122n; to Mie,
Gustav, 26n, 42n, 44n; with Mie,
Gustav, 27n
to Mousson, Heinrich, 99n
from Neue Freie Presse, 494n; to Neue
Freie Presse, 210n
from Nordström, Gunnar, 26n, 32n, 76n
to Norwegian Student Association, 363n
with Oppenheim, Paul, 419n
to Payot publishing house, 419n
to Perrin, Jean, 343n; with Perrin, Jean,
to Petzoldt, Joseph, 121n
from Planck, Marga, 59n
from Planck, Max, 108, 124n
from Prussian Academy of Sciences, 300n
to Quidde, Ludwig, 124n
from Ratnoff, Nathan, 436n
to Rolland, Romain, 124n, 216n–217n,
from Sannig & Co., 244n; to Sannig &
Co., 244n
from Scheel, Karl, 59n
from Schlick, Moritz, 424n; to Schlick,
Moritz, 217n, 220n, 403n; with
Schlick, Moritz, xxxv
from Schmedemann, Albert, 231
from Schmidt, Adolf, 217n; to Schmidt,
Adolf, 217n
from Schmidt-Ott, Friedrich, 494n; to
Schmidt-Ott, Friedrich, 494n
to Schücking, Walther, 9n
from Schwetschke, C. A. & Sohn, 491n
to Seelig, Carl, 59n, 217n
from Silberstein, Ludwik, 443n; with Sil-
berstein, Ludwik, 444n
from Sitter, Willem de, 77n, 323n; to Sit-
ter, Willem de, 26n, 42n–44n; with
Sitter, Willem de, 49n
to Solovine, Maurice, 220n, 570n; with
Solovine, Maurice, 419n
to Sommerfeld, Arnold, 59n, 210n, 486n;
with Sommerfeld, Arnold, xxi, 108
to Study, Eduard, 404n
from Stürgkh, Count Karl von, 292n