4 4 4 D O C . 6 1 O N R E P O R T E R S
office in London, disclaiming responsibility for unauthorized reports of his view of America (see
Einstein to Zioniburo, 14 July 1921, register nos. 1699 and 1700). The telegrams were translated and
published, e.g., in the Jewish Independent, 22 July 1921, p. 7.
For Silberstein and his Chicago colleagues, the report of the second interview apparently sufficed.
One week after its appearance, Silberstein reported relief that the affair had been much ado about
nothing (see Ludwik Silberstein to Einstein, 18 July 1921), indicating that his colleagues at the Uni-
versity of Chicago were mollified. Thus, by the time that Silberstein received a version of this
document sometime after 10 August, the storm had passed. At the beginning of September, after
informing his Chicago colleagues of its contents, Silberstein announced that “the matter is resolved
in the best possible manner” (“die Sache ist bestens erledigt”), though Millikan and a Chicago col-
league, Henry G. Gale (1874–1942), suggested that a translation be made available to the editors of
Science. Silberstein assured Einstein in any case that the contents of this document would be widely
distributed in scientific circles (see Ludwik Silberstein to Einstein, 4 September 1921). Einstein ac-
ceded to the request for publication, pointing out, however, that, by constantly returning to it, too
much weight might be ascribed to this “disagreeable matter” (“leidigen Sache”; Einstein to Ludwik
Silberstein, 4 October 1921).
[4]Translated excerpts from his interview with the Berliner Tageblatt had appeared under the title
“Einstein Declares Women Rule Here. Scientist Says He Found American Men the Toy Dogs of the
Other Sex.” New York Times, 8 July 1921, p. 9.