Volume 7: The Berlin Years: Writings, 1918-1921

Volume 7: The Berlin Years: Writings, 1918-1921
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Table of Contents
Volume 7: The Berlin Years: Writings, 1918-1921
- Introduction to Volume 7 xxi21
- Supplement to the Editorial Method xliii43
- Acknowledgments xliv44
- Note on the Translation xlvi46
- Location Symbols xlvii47
- Descriptive Symbols xlviii48
- TEXTS 149
- Vol. 6, Doc. 44a. "The Principal Ideas of the Theory of Relativity" 351
- Vol. 6, Doc. 45a. "On the Questionnaire Concerning the Right of National Self-Determination" 856
- 1. "On Gravitational Waves" 1159
- 2. "Note on E. Schrödinger's Paper 'The Energy Components of the Gravitational Field'" 2977
- 3. "Comment on Schrödinger's Note 'On a System of Solutions for the Generally Covariant Gravitational Field Equations'" 3381
- 4. "On the Foundations of the General Theory of Relativity" 3785
- 5. "Critical Comment on a Solution of the Gravitational Field Equations Given by Mr. De Sitter" 4593
- 6. "Is It Possible to Determine Experimentally the X-Ray Refractive Indices of Solids?" 5098
- 7. "Motives for Research" 54102
- 8. "Supplement" to Hermann Weyl, "Gravitation and Electricity" 60108
- 9. "The Law of Energy Conservation in the General Theory of Relativity" and "Note Added in Proof" 63111
- 10. Review of Hermann Weyl, Space-Time-Matter: Lectures on General Relativity 78126
- 11. "Private Expert Opinion on the Objection to Patent Application G 43359 of the Society of Nautical Instruments on the Basis of Patent 241637" 81129
- 12. Lecture Notes for Courses on Special Relativity at the University of Berlin and the University of Zurich, Winter Semester 1918-1919 86134
- 13. "Dialogue about Objections to the Theory of Relativity" 114162
- 14. On the Need for a National Assembly 123171
- 15. "Comment on E. Gehrcke's Note 'On the Ether'" 126174
- 16. "To the Society 'A Guaranteed Subsistence for All'" 129177
- 17. "Do Gravitational Fields Play an Essential Role in the Structure of the Elementary Particles of Matter?" 130178
- 18. "Comment about Periodical Fluctuations of Lunar Longitude, Which So Far Appeared to Be Inexplicable in Newtonian Mechanics" [Einstein 141189
- 19. Lecture Notes for Course on General Relativity at the University of Berlin, Summer Semester 1919 147195
- 20. Excerpt from Lecture Notes for Course on General Relativity at the University of Zurich, Summer Semester 1919 185233
- 21. "Court Expert Opinion in the Matter of AnschUtz & Co. vs. Kreiselbau Co." 190238
- 22. Comment on the Preceding Note of Albert von Brunn, "On Mr. Einstein's Remark about the Irregular Fluctuations of Lunar Longitude with an Approximate Period of the Rotation of the Lunar Nodes" 196244
- 23. "A Test of the General Theory of Relativity" 199247
- 24. "Leo Arons as Physicist" 202250
- 25. "What Is the Theory of Relativity?" 206254
- 26. "Time, Space, and Gravitation" 212260
- 27. "Welcoming Address to Paul Colin" 216264
- 28. "Induction and Deduction in Physics" 218266
- 29. "Immigration from the East" 237285
- 30. "Expert Opinion on German Patent 269 498 of the A.E.G., Berlin, on a 'Method for the Production of Tungsten Wires for Filaments in Incandescent Lamps'" 242290
- 31. "Fundamental Ideas and Methods of the Theory of Relativity, Presented in Their Development" 245293
- 32. In Support of Georg Nicolai 282330
- 33. Uproar in the Lecture Hall 284332
- 34. "Assimilation and Anti-Semitism" 289337
- 35. "Anti-Semitism. Defense through Knowledge" 294342
- 36. An Exchange of Scientific Literature 298346
- 37. A Confession 302350
- 38. Ether and the Theory of Relativity 305353
- 39. "Propagation of Sound in Partly Dissociated Gases" 324372
- 40. To the German Central Committee for Foreign Relief 332380
- 41. On the Quaker Relief Effort 334382
- 42. To the "General Association for Popular Technical Education" 335383
- 43. On New Sources of Energy 338386
- 44. "Comment on the Paper by W. R. Heß, 'Contribution to the Theory of the Viscosity of Heterogeneous Systems'" 341389
- 45. "My Response. On the Anti-Relativity Company" 344392
- 46. Discussions of Lectures in Bad Nauheim 350398
- 47. On the Contribution of Intellectuals to International Reconciliation 360408
- 48. "Private Expert Opinion for Telefunken on the Patents of Meissner and Kühn" 365413
- 49. Response to Ernst Reichenbächer, "To What Extent Can Modern Gravitational Theory Be Established without Relativity? 368416
- 50. "Brief Outline of the Development of the Theory of Relativity" 372420
- 51. "The Common Element in Artistic and Scientific Experience" 379427
- 52. Geometry and Experience 382430
- 53. "A Brief Outline of the Development of the Theory of Relativity" 406454
- 54. "On a Natural Addition to the Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity" 411459
- 55. "In My Defense" 417465
- 56. "A Simple Application of the Newtonian Law of Gravitation to Globular Star Clusters" 420468
- 57. "How I Became a Zionist" 426474
- 58. King's College Lecture 431479
- 59. On a Jewish Palestine. First Version 434482
- 60. On a Jewish Palestine. Final Version 438486
- 61. On Reporters 442490
- 62. "On the Founding of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem" 445493
- 63. "On the Special and General Theory of Relativity" 449497
- 64. Lecture on the Special Theory of Relativity 458506
- 65. On the Misery of Children 470518
- 66. Court Expert Opinion in the Matter of Signal Co. vs. Atlas Works 472520
- 67. "Court Expert Opinion in the Matter of Atlas Works vs. Signal Co." 480528
- 68. "On an Experiment Concerning the Elementary Process of Light Emission" 483531
- 69. Impact of Science on the Development of Pacifism 488536
- 70. "The Plight of German Science. A Danger for the Nation" 492540
- 71. Four Lectures on the Theory of Relativity, Held at Princeton University in May 1921 496544
- INDEX 655703