D O C . 7 0 P L I G H T O F G E R M A N S C I E N C E 4 9 5
(see “Notiz über die Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft,” Gy-Ar, R 73, no. 4). Boas was
Professor of Anthropology at Columbia University and Director of the Emergency Society in Aid of
German and Austrian Science and Art, with fund-raising offices in New York and St. Louis (see
Schreiber 1923, p. 102). Lieber was Director of the German-American Relief Committee for Germa-
ny and Austria and First Vice-President of Boas’s organization. He had already met with Einstein in
September 1920 to discuss relief efforts (see Einstein 1920b [Doc. 36], note 2).
While in the United States three months later, Einstein was asked by Boas whether the funds col-
lected by his Emergency Society “are used in such a manner that they will help in the best way pos-
sible”; Franz Boas to Einstein, 7 April 1921. Einstein assured him that “I know personally the men
who are in charge of the distribution of the funds in Germany and I am convinced that they cope with
their task in an efficient and absolutely impartial manner.” Einstein to Franz Boas, 11 April 1921.