D O C . 6 0 O N PA L E S T I N E . F I N A L V E R S I O N 4 4 1
money for a Jewish university in Palestine (see the preceding document).
[13]Einstein’s admiration for the vitality of American Jews mirrors his comments in Doc. 57, where
he compares their “unbroken vigor” with “sickly” German Jews.
Foreign Jews in Berlin in 1925 represented only one-quarter of the general Jewish population (see
Einstein 1919h [Doc. 29], note 1); in the United States, on the other hand, 85% of all Jews were of
East European origin. In the year ending June 1921 alone, the net increase of Jewish immigrants to
America from Eastern Europe was 104,000 (see Jewish Year Book 1923, p. 319), approximately
20,000 more than the total number of East European Jews living in the German Reich in 1925 (see
Maurer 1986, p. 72). For Einstein’s identification of Jews from Eastern Europe with a sense of com-
munity that had been lost to their more assimilated German brethren, see note 5.
[14]For more on how funding was secured for the medical faculty of the university, see the preced-
ing document, note 7; for more on the middle class as the mainstay of the American fund-raising
drive, see the preceding document, note 11.
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