D O C . 6 5 M I S E R Y O F C H I L D R E N 4 7 1
Deutschen Zentralausschusses für die Auslandshilfe, no. 6, 17 October 1921, PPAF, Foreign Service
1921–Germany, Committees & Organizations: ARA. Correspondence, N.Y. and Phila.), but the
Quakers withdrew their organized participation in mid-1922 (see translation copy of Dr. Bose to
Wilbur K. Thomas, after 12 April 1922, PPAF, Foreign Service 1921–Germany, Committees &
Organizations: DZA. Correspondence, and Kreyenpoth 1932, p. 92).
For a survey of all U.S. relief efforts in the postwar period, see Kreyenpoth 1932, pp. 70–100.