6 8 0 I N D E X
United States
AE on patriotism in, 630
AE’s visit to, 585n, 620–627, 629–630
humanitarian relief efforts, 471n
elliptic, 41, 43n, 76n, 566
equilibrium of matter in, 323n
infinite, 44n, 393, 563, 569, 576n
matter density in: see Mass, distribution in
quasi-Euclidean, 563, 568–569
quasi-spherical, 68, 75
radius of, 424n
spatially closed, xxvi, 42n, 68, 121n, 133,
135, 182n, 318, 323n, 377, 393–396, 409,
421, 433n, 566, 568
spherical, 41, 43n, 68, 71, 135–137, 172, 398
static, xxvi, 182n, 187, 189n, 565
structure of, according to general relativity,
total energy in, 68, 74
See also Euclidean continuum and Space
Universities. See names of individual institutions
University of Berlin, 102n, 205n, 226, 282–
283n, 287n, 340n, 448n
admissions policy, 285
Auditorium maximum, 287n
Institute of Physical Chemistry of, 62n, 331n
Institute of Theoretical Physics of, 59n
Psychological Institute of, 478n
public’s access to Privatvorlesungen, 287n
and revolution, xxi
revolutionary students at, 99n
student council, 285, 287n–288n
Wednesday physics colloquium, 102
University of Bonn, 281n
University of Cambridge, 210n
Cavendish Laboratory of, 340n
Observatory of, 27n
University of Chicago, 443n–444n, 629
University of Frankfurt, 53n
University of Freiburg, 110
University of Göttingen, 36n, 76n
University of Greifswald, 27n, 104
University of Halle, 448n
University of Heidelberg, 101
University of Helsingfors (Helsinki), 26n
University of Kolozsvár, 110
University of Leyden, xxvii, xxxiii, 26n, 42n,
59n, 107, 321n, 323n
University of Munich, 108–109, 146n
Institute of Theoretical Physics of, 108
Observatory of, 146n
University of Oxford, 211n
University of Padua, 27n
University of Rochester, 443n
University of Rostock, 220n
University of Sheffield, 279n
University of Utrecht, 53n
University of Vienna, 32n, 106, 416n
University of Wisconsin, 231
University of Würzburg, 104, 106
University of Zurich, 53n, 343n; public’s access
to Privatvorlesungen, 287n
Ussishkin, Menahem M. (1863–1941), 234
Variational principle
and energy-momentum conservation, 139n
and field equations, 139n
Vector, 524, 527
definition of, 508
parallel transport of: see Parallel transport of
six-: see Tensor, antisymmetric
Velocity of light. See Light, speed of
Verband der Deutschen Hochschulen (Associa-
tion of German Universities), 494n
Verein “Allgemeine Nährpflicht” (Society “A
Guaranteed Subsistence for All”), 129
Verein der Freunde des Goethemuseums (Soci-
ety of Friends of the Goethe Museum), 300n
Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus (Associ-
ation for Combating Anti-Semitism): letter
from AE, 297n
Verein zur Gründung und Erhaltung einer Aka-
demie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums
(Society for the Founding and Preservation of
an Academy for the Science of Judaism),
Versailles Treaty. See World War I, Peace
Treaty of Versailles
Vetter, Theodore (1853–1922): letter to AE,
Vienna Radium Institute. See Institut für
Virial theorem, 422, 584
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