I N D E X 4 8 9
Blau, Friedrich, 248
Blumenthal, Otto (1876–1944), 393, 415
on Riemann issue of Mathematische Annalen,
426–427; AE on, 392–393
on translation of Lorentz et al. 1920, 427
See also Mathematische Annalen
Boerner, Arno
invention of airplane for high-altitude flight
(DRP353187), 41
motor with self-ignition, 41
Böhm, Johann (1895–1952), 199
Bohr, Niels (1865–1962), 9, 82, 154, 184, 206,
AE on Halpern’s view of, 211
AE triumphs over, 411
discusses Einstein and Ehrenfest 1922 with
AE, 109
quantum jump and radiation, Haber on, 222
quantum law of, 395
Bohr’s theory of atom, 127, 253
Born on problems of, 9
emission and absorption of radiation, 126
frequency condition of, AE on, 211
and light quantum hypothesis, 233
orbits in, and quantum jumps, 251
quantum conditions restrict initial values, 164
Bohr-Kramers-Slater theory
AE lectures on, 246, 251, 253, 812
AE on, 285, 355, 365, 4810
disproved by Bothe-Geiger experiment, 394
Bohr-Sommerfeld quantum rule, 395; and De
Broglie’s thesis, 377
Boltzmann distribution, 429
Boltzmann’s principle, 276, 277, 419
and entropy, 373, 374
and fluctuations, 376
in Planck’s book, 268
in radiation theory, 213
Schrödinger on, 430
Bolyai, Farkas (1775–1856), 217
Bolyai, János (1802–1860), 217
Borel, Emile (1871–1956), 393, 412
Born, Max (1882–1970), 9, 39, 90, 103, 237,
357, 412
on AE’s resignation from ICIC, 10
on AE’s theory on connection between gravita-
tion, electromagnetism, and geomagnetism, 9
against conflation of scientific and political
events, 103
on Coudenhove-Kalergi 1922, 10
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, on possi-
ble participation of Berlin physicists in
meeting of, 103
on French demand for reparations, 10
on his hopeless efforts in quantum theory, 103
on his progress in music, 104
hyperbolic motion, 412
on political situation in Germany, 10
Born-Ehrenberg, Hedwig (1882–1972), 237; AE
praises, 90
Bose, Satyendra Nath (1894–1974), 276
AE on application of theory of, 285
AE on derivation of Planck’s law of, 312–313
and AE’s statistical method, 418
Bose 1924a and 1924b, AE on, 354
criticizes Einstein 1916j and 1916n, AE on,
derivation of Planck’s law, 276, 337, 338, 371,
Halpern on statistical method of, 311–312
Langevin’s opinion of, 347; AE on, 349
on Planck’s law and light quanta
AE on, 337–338
AE’s translation of, 266
plans to spend two years in Europe, 347
plans to work with AE in Berlin, AE looks for-
ward to it, 354
statistics of, 438
Halpern on, 430
Smekal on, 430
Bothe-Geiger experiment, 365, 409, 411
AE on, 394, 395, 480–481
Langevin on, 412
Bradt, Gustav (1871–1928), 153
against AE leaving Germany, 139
on Jewish and German political situation, 139,
on young Jews joining police, 139
Brandhuber, Camillus (1860–1931), 105, 301,
302, 304, 310
Braudo, Aleksandr (1864–1924), 303, 399
Broglie, Louis de (1892–1987), 377, 378
Broglie 1924
AE praises, 393
Langevin on, 413
theory of, AE on, 395–395
Broglie, Maurice de (1875–1960), 395
Brouwer, Luitzen E. J. (1881–1966), 392, 426
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