D O C U M E N T 3 4 5 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4 3 4 7
He was splendidly received in Orléans. He told me you are currently in
Perhaps that will enable you to accept the following invitation, which I
did not dare send you earlier so as not to request your leaving Berlin since it re-
quires a considerable voyage.
It concerns coming to Paris in the first days of November (4, 5, or 6 November)
in order to participate in one or two gatherings, one a dinner, to prepare the organi-
zation of that Union intellectuelle, of which I already spoke to you and in which all
our friends here and many from abroad have shown
I will know the date
more precisely tomorrow and will immediately let you know. You know how happy
we would be to see you here again—in a very discrete manner, as much as you de-
sire. We would put you up in a quiet corner.
I just received from Mr. Lorentz confirmation that the gathering planned for
Brussels for the bibliography will take place on 7 and 8
If you could
come here, we would leave together.
Remember me, please, to our good friends in Leyden, in particular Mr. and Mrs.
Kamerlingh Onnes and Mr. and Mrs.
I just saw Mr.
here of whom you spoke to me in Geneva and who wishes
to work in Europe for two years. He seems very interesting. A real Indian, medita-
tive and quiet. You will see him if you can come.
Very affectionately yours,
P. Langevin
345. To Elsa Einstein
[Bentheim, ca. 25 October
Dear Else,
Made my way safely to
They gave me trouble about lacking proof
that I live in Germany. Send the German passport fast so that I can come back (reg-
Best regards to you all, yours,
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 3 4 5 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4 3 4 7
He was splendidly received in Orléans. He told me you are currently in
Perhaps that will enable you to accept the following invitation, which I
did not dare send you earlier so as not to request your leaving Berlin since it re-
quires a considerable voyage.
It concerns coming to Paris in the first days of November (4, 5, or 6 November)
in order to participate in one or two gatherings, one a dinner, to prepare the organi-
zation of that Union intellectuelle, of which I already spoke to you and in which all
our friends here and many from abroad have shown
I will know the date
more precisely tomorrow and will immediately let you know. You know how happy
we would be to see you here again—in a very discrete manner, as much as you de-
sire. We would put you up in a quiet corner.
I just received from Mr. Lorentz confirmation that the gathering planned for
Brussels for the bibliography will take place on 7 and 8
If you could
come here, we would leave together.
Remember me, please, to our good friends in Leyden, in particular Mr. and Mrs.
Kamerlingh Onnes and Mr. and Mrs.
I just saw Mr.
here of whom you spoke to me in Geneva and who wishes
to work in Europe for two years. He seems very interesting. A real Indian, medita-
tive and quiet. You will see him if you can come.
Very affectionately yours,
P. Langevin
345. To Elsa Einstein
[Bentheim, ca. 25 October
Dear Else,
Made my way safely to
They gave me trouble about lacking proof
that I live in Germany. Send the German passport fast so that I can come back (reg-
Best regards to you all, yours,

