4 9 0 I N D E X
Brownian motion
and Bohr’s frequency condition, 211
in mirrored box, 253
Buchau, birthplace of Hermann Einstein, AE in-
tends to visit, 95
Büchsenstein, Mrs., 156
Butty, Enrique, 452
error in, reason for retracting note on Fried-
mann, 47
by Grommer, on overdetermination, 168
intense, on a new problem, 155
of overdetermined system, too complicated,
168, 186, 189
on statistical mechanics, in 1922, 6–7
California Institute of Technology
AE invited to, 249, 253
accepts for 1926, 356
declines for 1925, 356, 387, 395
for 1926, 387
Debye guest of, 460
Ehrenfest guest of, 83, 156, 160, 249, 387
Lorentz guest of, 249, 387
Campbell, William (1862–1938), 21, 88, 187; on
Australian eclipse measurements, 20
AE on Lord Kelvin on, 296
for use in determining the pore size of filters,
Zangger on cohesion, 236
Carathéodory, Constantin (1873–1950), 392,
393, 426
Carbonic acid, capillarity constant of, 119
AE visits in Montevideo, 476
AE wants to be employee of, 237
Cassirer, Ernst (1874–1945), 323–327; recom-
mendation for Wind, 201
Castro, Amadeo Geille (1890–?), 454
Cauchy problem, for differential equations, 163
a priori, AE on, 201
AE conversation about on board steamer, 447
AE does not want to give up, 237, 254
AE on, 251
AE tells joke about, 201
Lucretius’s belief in, 255
Causality principle
doubts about complete validity, AE on, 163
satisfied by deterministic differential equa-
tions, 163
Winternitz and AE on, 145
Chamberland, Charles (1851–1908), 118
Chapiro, Joseph (1893–1962), expects recom-
mendation from AE, 156, 160
Chaplin, Charlie (1889–1977), AE on seeing The
Pilgrim at private screening, 455
of electron in overdetermined field theory, 168
electrostatic, Lord Kelvin on method of gener-
ating, 296
of proton and electron, 403
Charge density
of atmosphere, 352, 370; AE on, 352; Wigand
on, 352–353, 400–401
vanishing as problem in affine theory, 275
See also Current density
Chaucer, Geoffrey (1343–1400), AE reads, 447
cannot justify mass-energy equivalence, 11
colloid, 88
physical, dissociation as topic for, 407
Reichinstein’s work on interfaces in, 104
Clausius, Rudolf (1822–1888), 295
fundamental role of concept of, 76
use of to measure line-element, 78
Cohen, Hermann (1842–1918), 325, 325
Cohen, Morris (1880–1947), 134
Coherence, of beams in different directions, 450
Cohesion, Zangger on, 236
Cohn, Emil Bernhard (1881–1948), 119
Comert, Pierre (1880–1964), 14, 262, 293; on
AE’s resignation from ICIC, 12–14
Committee on Lorentz Fund, 437
Complexion, 373; definition of, 438
Compressibility, 58
adiabatic and entropy of gas, 421
isothermal, 372
Compton, Arthur Holly (1892–1962), 125, 231,
Nobel Prize, AE proposes for, 131
proved reality of light quanta, 337
Compton effect
AE experiment on, 173
AE proposes Nobel Prize for discovery of, 131
Bothe and Geiger on, 394, 409
cannot be explained by classical
physics, 163