2 6 6 D O C U M E N T S 2 7 9 , 2 8 0 J U L Y 1 9 2 4
278. “Planck’s Law and Light Quantum Hypothesis”
by S. N. Bose, and “Translator’s Note”
[Bose 1924a, Einstein 1924j]
Received 2 July 1924
Published August 1924
In: Zeitschrift für Physik 26 (1924): 178–181.
[Not selected for translation.]
279. To Satyendra Nath Bose
[Berlin,] 2 July 1924
Dear Colleague,
I have translated your paper and submitted it to the Zeitschrift für Physik for
It constitutes an important advance and I liked it very much. I think,
however, that your
to my
are not correct. For Wien’s displace-
ment law does not presuppose the wave theory, and Bohr’s correspondence princi-
ple is not used at all. Nevertheless, that does not matter. You were the first to derive
the factor quantum-theoretically, even if not entirely strictly due to the polarization
It is a fine advance.
With friendly greetings, yours,
A. Einstein.
280. To Mikhail N. Pokrovsky[1]
[Berlin,] 4 July 1924
Highly esteemed colleague,
On behalf of our Society of Friends of the Jerusalem Library, I turn to you with
the humble request that you kindly support us in our efforts of cultivating culture
and science in the Orient through a library for the Hebrew University in
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

2 6 6 D O C U M E N T S 2 7 9 , 2 8 0 J U L Y 1 9 2 4
278. “Planck’s Law and Light Quantum Hypothesis”
by S. N. Bose, and “Translator’s Note”
[Bose 1924a, Einstein 1924j]
Received 2 July 1924
Published August 1924
In: Zeitschrift für Physik 26 (1924): 178–181.
[Not selected for translation.]
279. To Satyendra Nath Bose
[Berlin,] 2 July 1924
Dear Colleague,
I have translated your paper and submitted it to the Zeitschrift für Physik for
It constitutes an important advance and I liked it very much. I think,
however, that your
to my
are not correct. For Wien’s displace-
ment law does not presuppose the wave theory, and Bohr’s correspondence princi-
ple is not used at all. Nevertheless, that does not matter. You were the first to derive
the factor quantum-theoretically, even if not entirely strictly due to the polarization
It is a fine advance.
With friendly greetings, yours,
A. Einstein.
280. To Mikhail N. Pokrovsky[1]
[Berlin,] 4 July 1924
Highly esteemed colleague,
On behalf of our Society of Friends of the Jerusalem Library, I turn to you with
the humble request that you kindly support us in our efforts of cultivating culture
and science in the Orient through a library for the Hebrew University in

